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How to Move Columns and Rows in Microsoft Excel


There will undoubtedly be a time when it is necessary to reorganize the order in which data is shown. Learn how to move columns in Excel to get started.

How to move a column in Excel

You can move the column's header by clicking it.

  1. Choose "Cut" from the contextual menu by performing a right-click.
  2. To get there, click the column heading to the right.
  3. Choose "Insert Cut Cells" from the contextual menu by performing a right-click.

Want to see it in use? Check out these three simple techniques with illustrations:

  1. Paste and cut (as described above)
  2. Drag and drop
  3. Horizontal Sorting

We'll look at moving rows in Excel later. We'll be using the following data set in each situation:

1. Cut and paste

This approach may be the most popular since most people use the "Cut" and "Paste" commands. Column D, "Date of Hire," may be moved to be between columns B and C by doing the following:

Move rows in excel

  1. You may select the whole column by selecting the "D" heading (you'll see a little black arrow pointing down).
  2. Cut that column by performing a right-click and choosing "Cut" from the contextual menu (or by using the shortcut Ctrl+X). The shorthand for Mac users is +X).
  3. Toggle the column C heading on.
  4. Choose "Insert Cut Cells" from the contextual menu by performing a right-click.

This approach is also practical if you wish to relocate a portion of a column's data rather than the complete column. Choosing only the cells, you want to transfer would be the first step.

2: Drag and drop

The procedures shown below may be used to just as quickly drag and drop a whole column to a new position.

move rows in excel

  1. You may select the whole column by selecting the "D" heading (you'll see a little black arrow pointing down).
  2. A four-way arrow will appear when you hover over the highlighted column's vertical border while holding down the Shift key.
  3. Click and drag the column between columns B and C while holding down the Shift key.
  4. There will be a vertical green line indicating the position of the column.
  5. Release the Shift key and the mouse.

Move rows in excel

3: Horizontal sort

Here's an easy trick that you may use to reorganize numerous columns rapidly. Rows must be sorted in order.

  1. By clicking on the row number (you'll see a little black arrow pointing right), choose the top row of the data set.
  2. Choose "Insert" from the contextual menu by performing a right-click.
  3. Doing this will add a blank row just above the data set.
  4. Using a manual numbering system, arrange the columns in the desired order.
  5. Showcase the whole collection of data (including the numbered row).
  6. Click on Data > Custom Sort > Options. Sort right to the left> OK
  7. Sort by Row 1; sort from largest to smallest; OK

By choosing "Eliminate" from the contextual menu when you right-click on the row number, you may now choose to delete the first row if you'd like.

Move Rows in Excel

Shifting columns in Excel follows a similar process as moving rows.

Move rows in excel

  1. You may choose the entire row by clicking on the row number (you'll see a little black arrow pointing right).
  2. Right-click on that row and choose "Cut" from the contextual menu to remove it. (Or press Ctrl+X on your keyboard. The shortcut for Mac users is +X) cut-row

Move rows in excel

  1. To reach the desired location, click the row below.
  2. Choose "Insert Cut Cells" from the contextual menu by performing a right-click.

Move rows in excel

About the author:
Adarsh Kumar Singh is a technology writer with a passion for coding and programming. With years of experience in the technical field, he has established a reputation as a knowledgeable and insightful writer on a range of technical topics.