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How to Create a Venn Diagram in Microsoft PowerPoint

Venn diagrams are an effective way of representing two or more sets of data. They can be used to compare the overlap between two or more sets, or show how different sets relate to one another. They are also popular because they can be used in a variety of ways, including as a tool for teaching.

Venn diagrams have been around since 1878 when they were created by John Venn. However, they didn’t become popular until the 1940s and 50s due to their use in teaching statistics. It wasn’t until the 1980s that their use as a tool for understanding graphical representations became widespread. Today, they are still used frequently in schools and universities as well as research laboratories.

How to Create a Venn Diagram in PowerPoint

Venn diagrams are a type of diagram that is used to compare and contrast two or more sets of data.

Venn Diagram

How to create a Venn Diagram in PowerPoint:

1. Open your PowerPoint presentation and insert a new slide with the title "Venn Diagram"

2. On the slide, add the two sets of data you want to compare and contrast.

Venn Diagram

3. Create a Venn diagram by selecting "Insert" > "Illustrations" > "Venn Diagram".

How to Make Triple Venn Diagrams in PowerPoint

Triple Venn diagrams are a great way to visualize data that you have collected. They are often used for visualizing trends and understanding patterns.

To create a triple Venn diagram in PowerPoint, you will need to have three different shapes on the slide, one for each of the three circles in the diagram. You can also use shapes that go all the way around or just one shape. The size of your shapes should be proportional to how much space you want them to take up on your slide.

The first shape needs to be large enough for all three circles and then the second shape needs to be slightly smaller than the first but still bigger than the third circle, so it covers part of it but not all of it. The third shape should be smaller than both of these two.

Venn Diagram different Layout Options

Venn Diagram

To depict the connections between objects, people, or concepts, you may utilize bespoke colors. Additionally, you may illustrate the connections between sets using two, three, four, or more circles.

If you choose not to create your Venn diagram using the SmartArt graphic approach, you will have additional alternatives for selecting the shapes. However, you will have to make any necessary adjustments to overlapped sections by yourself, which may sometimes be uncomfortable.

Venn Diagram Templates on Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint is a powerful and popular presentation tool. With its templates, you can make your presentations more appealing by adding visual elements to them.

The Venn Diagram template is one of the most popular templates in Microsoft PowerPoint. This template helps you add an attractive and eye-catching shape to your presentations with just a few clicks.

The Venn Diagram template is available for free on the Microsoft website and can be downloaded in a variety of shapes and sizes.

How do you make the overlapping part of a Venn Diagram in PowerPoint?

To make the overlapping part of a Venn Diagram, you should use a PowerPoint template. You can also use PowerPoint to create new diagrams or edit existing ones.

The overlapping part of the Venn diagram is where two circles overlap each other. This part will be in the middle of one circle and outside the other circle.


The conclusion of a Venn diagram is often overlooked. It is typically the last step and it can be easy to forget about it and give up on your work. This tutorial will show you how to create an elegant and memorable conclusion that will make your Venn diagram stand out from the rest.

About the author:
Adarsh Kumar Singh is a technology writer with a passion for coding and programming. With years of experience in the technical field, he has established a reputation as a knowledgeable and insightful writer on a range of technical topics.