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NumPy ceil() function

In this tutorial, we will cover the numpy.ceil() mathematical function of the Numpy library.

The numpy.ceil() function is used to return the ceil of the elements of an array. The ceil value of any scalar value x is the smallest integer i in a way such that i >= x. For example, the ceil value for 5.6 will be 6. In simpler words we can say, the nearest larger integer value is the ceil value.

Syntax of numpy.ceil():

Below we have a required syntax to use this function:


Note: In the above syntax, the parameter array is used to indicate the array elements whose ceil values are to be calculated.

Returned Values:

This method will return an array containing the ceil values.

Now it's time to cover some examples related to this method.

Example 1: Array with positive values

In the example given below, we will cover this method with positive values for an array and see the output:

import numpy as np

a = [1.90,2.3,0.6788]
y = np.ceil(a)
print("the output after applying ceil() is:")

the output after applying ceil() is:
[2. 3. 1.]

Example 2: Array with negative values

In this example, we will check the output if an array contains negative values. When we find the ceil value for a negative number, then the larger integer number for let's say -1.9 will not be -2, but it will be -1. Because -1 is a larger value than -1.9, whereas -2 is less than -1.9 value.

The code snippet for the same is as follows:

import numpy as np

a = [-1.90,-2.3,-0.6788,12.34]
y = np.ceil(a)
print("the output after applying ceil() is:")

the output after applying ceil() is:
[-1. -2. -0. 13.]


This tutorial was all about numpy.ceil() mathematical function in the Numpy library. We covered its syntax, parameters as well as the value returned by this function along with a few useful examples to help you understand how to use this function.

About the author:
Aspiring Software developer working as a content writer. I like computer related subjects like Computer Networks, Operating system, CAO, Database, and I am also learning Python.