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NumPy capitalize() function

In this tutorial, we will cover the capitalize() function of the char module in the Numpy library.

The capitalize() function is basically used to convert the first character of a string to an uppercase (capital) letter. If the string is having its first character as capital already, then this function will return the original string itself.

This function calls the str.capitalize in an element-wise manner.

This function is locale-dependent for an 8-bit string.

Syntax of capitalize():

The syntax required to use this function is as follows:


The above syntax indicates that capitalize() function takes two parameters.

In the above syntax, the argument arr is mainly used to indicate the input array of the string on which this function will be applied.

Returned Values:

This function will return a string with the first character in the capital.

Example 1: With a string

The code snippet is as follows where we will use capitalize() function with a simple string:

import numpy as np 
a = "welcome to StudyTonight!!"
print("The original string:")
print("Capitalizing the string using capitalize() function :")  

x = np.char.capitalize(a)

The original string:
welcome to StudyTonight!!
Capitalizing the string using capitalize() function :
Welcome to studytonight!!

Example 2:

Below we have a code snippet where we will use a string that is already capitalized as input then check the output for the same:

import numpy as np  

a = "StudyTonight is a best place to learn coding online"
print("The original string:\n")
print("Capitalizing the string using capitalize() function:\n")  

x = np.char.capitalize(a)

The original string:

StudyTonight is a best place to learn coding online

Capitalizing the string using capitalize() function:

Studytonight is a best place to learn coding online

Example 3: With an array of strings

In this example we will take an array of strings and will use the capitalize() function with it:

import numpy as np

arr = np.array(['what aRE YOUR', 'plans for Tonight', 'will you','study tonight']) 
print ("The original Input array : \n", arr) 

output = np.char.capitalize(arr)
print ("The output array: ", output)

The original Input array :
['what aRE YOUR' 'plans for Tonight' 'will you' 'study tonight']
The output array: ['What are your' 'Plans for tonight' 'Will you' 'Study tonight']

In the output, you should notice that not only this function changes the first character to uppercase in a string, but it also changes the other characters into lower case if they are in upper case, like it did for the string 'what aRE YOUR' in the above example.


In this tutorial we learned about capitalize() function in the Numpy Library. We covered how it is used with its syntax and values returned by this function along with multiple code examples.

About the author:
Aspiring Software developer working as a content writer. I like computer related subjects like Computer Networks, Operating system, CAO, Database, and I am also learning Python.