Difference Between Structure and Class
C++ is an object-oriented programming language with a strong focus on data and data management. It's a method for modularizing applications that involves creating a partitioned memory area for data and functions. Both a structure and a class may be used to build a customised data type that can subsequently be used to generate instances. Structure and class are fairly similar in C++. This article will explain the difference between a structure and a class in C++.
A structure is a collection of values that aren't always of the same type. It's a data type that's been specified by the user. In many ways, a structural object is identical to a record. It maintains track of the data associated with an object. It takes many data types and merges them into a single data type.
The most significant distinction between a structure and an array is that an array may only hold data of the same kind. As a consequence, a structure is nothing more than a collection of variables having the same name. Variables in a structure come in a variety of data kinds, and each has a name that is used to choose it from the structure.
The structure member variables do not take up memory until a structure type variable is created. A single memory address is used to hold all of the structure instances.
A user-defined type is referred to as a class. Variables, functions, types, and typedefs, as well as member class templates, are all examples of class members. It is a fundamental component of an object-oriented programming language (OOP). A class is a collection of objects that share similar data and programming attributes.
In C++, the function of structure is extended to become a class. Class instances are referred to as "objects," and they are organised in the same way as classes. A class is a logical abstraction, but an object has a physical actuality. The class was developed to enable object-oriented design while also giving significantly more functionality than structures. The object is used to access the member functions and variables of the class. A class consists of the following elements:
Variables defined both within and outside of the class declaration and methods are known as data members.
A member function is a function that is defined inside the scope of a class declaration.
Comparison Table Between Structure and Class
Structure |
Class |
- Structure is a user-defined data type that groups together conceptually related data pieces of various data types such as char, float, int, and so on.
- A blueprint or set of instructions for building a certain sort of object is referred to as a class.
- The struct keyword may be used to define a structure.
- The class keyword may be used to define it.
- It's a data type with a value.
- It's a data type with a reference type.
- Other structures or classes cannot pass it down to you.
- It may be inherited from other classes or structures.
- It can create objects without the need for a new keyword.
- It may use a new keyword to create an object.
- The default function Object() { [native code] } of structure cannot be changed.
- You may alter the default function Object() { [native code] } of a class.
- A destructor is not allowed in a structure.
- A destructor may be added to a class.
The inability to conceal data, the inability to treat'struct' data as built-in types, and the absence of inheritance support are all limitations of Structure in C. These flaws were overcome by the C++ structure.
In C++, a class is an enhanced form of the structure. The programmer has made it simple to utilise the class to store both data and functions, while the structure simply stores data.