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How to Manually Update Ableton Live to 11.1

Ableton Live 11.1 is now available for download

Ableton's newest release, Live 11.1, is now available for download. The update includes new features such as a Drum Buss device and new sounds from the Loopmasters sample library.

This release of Live also includes a number of bug fixes and stability improvements.

windows 11.1

The latest version of Ableton's DAW software is now available to download for Windows users in version 11.1

Ableton Live is a digital audio workstation for music production. It was first introduced in 2001 and has been updated regularly since then. The latest update to the software is Live 11.1 which was released on October 18th, 2017.

The installation of the latest version of Ableton requires you to uninstall the old version first before installing the new one. This means that all your saved projects, samples, and other files will be lost if you don't back them up before installing the new update.

Here, in this article, we will tell you about the different ways to manually update Ableton Live to 11.1.

Ableton Live 11.1 Update

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Ableton Live 11.1 is a free update for all customers who have an active Update Plan and registered their copy of Ableton Live 9 or 10 on our website. This update features a variety of improvements, including -

  • New devices: Drumsynth Live, Wavetable, Operator and Analog to name just a few
  • Improved stability and performance across the board
  • A new waveform display in Simpler for better visual feedback when editing samples
  • New features like Clip Envelopes with automation curves and automation recording mode to make it easier to edit clips in Arrangement View
  • Support for up to 64 audio channels at once- Automatic lip sync: Ableton now accounts for latency and adjusts timing in real-time when you play with a MIDI controller or use the piano roll
  • Improved MIDI file playback and editing, including support for the latest version of Reason
  • Faster loading times in the Browser and Sampler
  • A new option to show only pre-existing files in the Browser
  • MIDI clock improvements, including better latency compensation when using both MIDI and sync connections

Downloading the Ableton Live 11.1 Update

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Ableton recently released the latest version of the software, Ableton 11.1, which offers new features such as a new browser and MIDI editor, as well as performance enhancements. If you are thinking of upgrading to this latest version then -

  1. you will need to first log on to your account on the Ableton website and then click on the Licenses & Packages section of your account page.
  2. You will find an option called 'Get installer' which will take you through the process of installing the latest version of this popular music production software on your system.
  3. Ableton uses a licensing system that grants you the right to install, update and use the software for a limited period of time. This is called an Instrument License. It does not grant you the right to copy or distribute Ableton music files such as tracks, samples, presets, and projects. You will also need an Individual License if you want to use your own music files with the software.

Installing the Ableton Live 11.1 Update on Windows

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These are the steps to install this new update on a Windows computer.

Step 1: Open up your browser and navigate to On this page you should see a green button that says "Download Live 11.1". Clicking it should open up a dialogue box where you can choose which version of Windows you want to download the software for (Windows 7, 8, or 10). Choose whichever version is appropriate for you, click "Install now" and it should start downloading.

Step 2: Once the download has finished, open up your Downloads folder in your computer's file explorer. Locate the Ableton Live 11.1 installation file that was just downloaded and double-click on it to start the installation process.

Step 3: Upon launching the installer you will be asked if you are sure you want to install Live 11.1 on your computer. It is recommended that you answer "Yes" to this question and continue with the installation process.

The installation should take no more than a minute or two to complete and once it is done, a window will appear asking if you want to launch the trial version of Ableton Live 11.


1). What is the difference between Live 10 and Live 11?

  • Live 10 is software that has been around for a while and has evolved to be more user-friendly. It also integrates with other applications like Logic, Final Cut Pro, and Motion.
  • Live 11 is the latest version of the software that was released in November 2017. It features a new interface that is easier to navigate and offers some new features like the ability to import audio from other sources into your project.

2). What are the new features in Live 11.1?

Live 11.1 is a new release of Adobe’s flagship software for video and audio editing. It has many new features, including:

  • A new interface design that is easier to use
  • A built-in color grading tool
  • Improved audio mixing and editing tools
  • New video effects
  • Support for HDR video

3). What are the steps involved in manually updating Ableton Live to 11.1?

Steps for manually updating Ableton Live to 11.1:

1. Download the installer from the Ableton website

2. Extract the files from the installer and locate Ableton Live 11.1

3. Open Ableton Live and go to "Help" > "Check for Updates"

4. Select "Install" and follow on-screen instructions

About the author:
Expert technical writer who simplifies complex technological concepts for lay audiences. Focused on providing insightful analysis and entertaining listicles on a wide variety of topics in the technology sector.