How to install Grafana on Ubuntu Linux
Grafana is a visualization and analytics software that allows you to visualize the data and analyze logs and metrics. Basically, it takes your scattered database, organizes them, and converts it into user-friendly visualizations such as graphs or charts. Like Linux, its codebase is open source. Grafana is used by many enterprises and organizations to increase their workflow and improve productivity by making use of automated data collection. The decision-making teams in the organizations make their decision based on the data reflected on the grafana dashboard. The data shown on the dashboard helps them to analyze the user's behavior, traffic and events log.
Grafana features:
1. Open source - because of its open-source nature, it has a very large user community for support.
2. Multiplatform - not only Linux but grafana can also easily be installed and used on other operating systems such as Windows and Mac OS.
3. Visualization - the main purpose of grafana is to organize scattered data and visualize it in the form of charts and graphs. This makes analyzing and decision-making easy at the enterprise level.
4. Unification - grafana collects data from multiple sources and presents it in a single place in a user-friendly manner. It supports multiple databases out of the box.
5. Logs and reports - grafana provided logging support. This helps the product team in an organization to analyze where the user spends their time and doing what. It also collects various events which makes error detection easy.
Installing Grafana in Ubuntu:
There are 3 ways to install grafana. We recommend installing the enterprise version of grafana because it has all the essential features with the ability to unlock more features through a license.
1. Using default apt package.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install grafana

Let the process complete and you have successfully installed Grafana on Ubuntu!
2. Install Grafana through Apt sources.
Apt is a command-line utility for installing, updating, removing, and otherwise managing debian packages on Ubuntu. You can install numerous packages by adding the package source to the Linux apt source.
- Press Ctrl+shift+T, it will open a terminal window.
- Enter the following command one after another:
a. Add apt repository
sudo add-apt-repository "deb stable main"
b. From the apt repository.
sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https
sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common wget
sudo wget -q -O /usr/share/keyrings/grafana.key
c. Update repositories and install grafana
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y grafana
3. Install Grafana in Ubuntu using debian package.
Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux distro so it uses .deb
extension files as executables. This is the easiest method to install grafana but it will require you to manually update it every once in a while.
- Press Ctrl+shift+T, it will open a terminal window.
- Enter the following command one after another:
a. Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install -y adduser libfontconfig1

b. Download the debian package.
c. Install debian package
sudo dpkg -i grafana_6.7.2_amd64.deb
Let the process complete and you have successfully installed Grafana on Ubuntu!