8 Useful Linux Commands For System Admin
As a system administrator, you'll need to know the Linux commands that can help you manage your Linux servers efficiently. This involves knowing how to navigate the command line interface, manipulate files and directories, modify system settings, monitor system performance, and troubleshoot issues that may arise.
In this article, we will get a solid understanding of the essential Linux commands and be able to use them to perform a wide range of administrative tasks.
1. Uptime Command
The uptime
command in Linux indicates how long your system has been operating and the number of people that are presently logged in, as well as the load average of a system for 1, 5, and 15 minute intervals.

Examine the Uptime Version using the option below

2. W Command
The w
command displays the users who are presently logged in as well as their processes, as well as load averages, login name, tty name, remote host, login time, idle time, JCPU, PCPU, command, and processes.

3.Users command
The users
command lists the users who are presently logged in. Apart than --help
and --version
, this command has no further arguments.

4.Who Command
The who command simply returns the user name, date, time, and host. The who command is equivalent to the w command. Let's look at an example to understand how the who and w commands vary.
5. pwd command (print working directory)
The current working directory is returned by the pwd

6. Free command
The free
command displays free, total, and swap memory data in bytes.

7. Sort command
The sort
command is used to arrange text file lines in ascending order. Sort in decreasing order with the -r

8. last command
We may monitor the user's behaviour in the system using the last command. This command can also be used to execute regular users. It will show all of the user's information, such as terminal, time, date, system reboot or boot, and kernel version. A helpful command for troubleshooting.

Linux commands are essential tools for system administrators in managing and maintaining Linux-based systems. These commands provide various functions such as monitoring system resources, managing files and directories, configuring networks, and securing the system.