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Java Long parseLong(String s, int radix) Method

Java parseLong(String s, int radix) method is the part of the Long class of the java.lang package. This method is used to parse the string value as a signed decimal Long object in the specified integer radix value passed as an argument.

It must be noted that the characters passed in the string must be all decimal except for the first character which is used to define the sign of the integer. It may be an ASCII minus '-' sign to depict a negative value or an ASCII plus '+' sign to depict a positive value. It must be noted that neither the character L ('\u004C') nor l ('\u006C') is permitted to appear at the end of the string as a type indicator, as would be permitted in Java programming language source code - except that either L or l may appear as a digit for a radix greater than or equal to 22.


public static long parseLong (String s, int radix)  


The parameter passed is the string value whose signed decimal Long object is to be returned and the integer radix value according to which the input string will be parsed.


NumberFormatException: This exception occurs when the input string is not parsable.


Returns the value as the signed decimal Long object of the String value passed as a parameter in accordance with the radix value.

Example 1:

Here, the signed decimal Long object representation is returned of the String value in accordance with the integer radix passed.

import java.lang.Long;

public class StudyTonight {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws NumberFormatException {
    String s1 = "603";
    String s2 = "-603";
    int radix = 16;
    System.out.print("\nEntered value and Base value is: " + s1 + " and " + radix);
    //returns the signed Long object of the entered string in accordance with the radix            
    System.out.println("\nEquivalent Long object is " + Long.parseLong(s1, radix));

    System.out.print("\nEntered value and Base value is: " + s2 + " and " + radix);
    //returns the signed Long object of the entered string in accordance with the radix            
    System.out.println("\nEquivalent Long object is " + Long.parseLong(s2, radix));

Entered value and Base value is: 603 and 16
Equivalent Long object is 1539

Entered value and Base value is: -603 and 16
Equivalent Long object is -1539

Example 2:

Here is a user-defined example where anyone using this code can put a value of his choice and get the equivalent output.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class StudyTonight {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      System.out.print("Enter the value: ");
      Scanner sc = new Scanner(System. in );
      String s = sc.nextLine();
      System.out.print("Enter the radix: ");
      int radix = sc.nextInt();
      System.out.println("Equivalent Long object : " + Long.parseLong(s, radix)); //parse the string value into signed value with respect to radix 
    catch(NumberFormatException e) {
      System.out.println("Invalid Input!!");

Enter the value: 567454
Enter the radix: 8
Equivalent Long object : 192300
Enter the value: -5232
Enter the radix: 16
Equivalent Long object : -21042
Enter the value: 0x454
Enter the radix: 8
Invalid Input!!

Live Example:

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About the author:
A Computer Science and Engineering Graduate(2016-2020) from JSSATE Noida. JAVA is Love. Sincerely Followed Sachin Tendulkar as a child, M S Dhoni as a teenager, and Virat Kohli as an adult.