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Java Character codePointCount(CharSequence seq, int beginIndex, int endIndex) Method

Java codePointCount() method is a part of Character class. This method returns the Unicode codepoint count in the text range which begins from the specified beginIndex and ends at the specified endIndex.


public static int codePointCount(CharSequence seq, int beginIndex, int endIndex)  


The parameters passed are:

  • CharSequence seq,

  • beginIndex which is the first char of the text range.

  • endIndex which is the last index of the text range.


Returns the number of Unicode code points in the specified text range.

Example 1:

Here, the Unicode codepoint count in the specified text range is returned.

import java.lang.Character;

public class StudyTonight
   public static void main(String [] args)throws Exception
        CharSequence cs = "Learning Java is fun";  
        System.out.println("Learning Java is fun");  
        int begin = 0;  
        int end = cs.length();   
        int r = Character.codePointCount(cs, begin,end);  
        System.out.println("The count is : "+r);  

Learning Java is fun
The count is : 20

Example 2:

Here is a user-defined example where anyone using this code can put a value of his choice and get the desired output.

import java.lang.Character;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class StudyTonight
   public static void main(String [] args)throws Exception
          System.out.println("Enter charSequence");
          Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
          CharSequence s = sc.nextLine();
          System.out.println("Enter begin index");
          int n1 = sc.nextInt();
          System.out.println("Enter end index");
          int n2 = sc.nextInt();
          System.out.println("The codepoint count is : " +Character.codePointCount(s,n1,n2));  
        catch(Exception e)
          System.out.println("Invalid Input");

Enter charSequence
welcome to java
Enter begin index
Enter end index
The codepoint count is : 4
Enter charSequence
take care
Enter begin index
Enter end index
Invalid Input

Live Example:

Here, you can test the live code example. You can execute the example for different values, even can edit and write your examples to test the Java code.

About the author:
A Computer Science and Engineering Graduate(2016-2020) from JSSATE Noida. JAVA is Love. Sincerely Followed Sachin Tendulkar as a child, M S Dhoni as a teenager, and Virat Kohli as an adult.