C Program to Count number of vowels in a String
Below is a program to count number of vowels in a given string.
// Global method declaration
int count_vowels(char []);
int check_vowel(char);
int main()
printf("\n\n\t\tStudytonight - Best place to learn\n\n\n");
char aj[100];
int mj;
printf("\n\nEnter a string : ");
gets(aj); // inputting a string from user
mj = count_vowels(aj); // function call
printf("\n\nNumber of vowels in string \'%s\' is: %d", aj, mj);
printf("\n\n\n\n\t\t\tCoding is Fun !\n\n\n");
return 0;
Collecting the input string in char array
adi[], all at a time
int count_vowels(char adi[])
int count = 0, c= 0, flag = 0;
char d;
Storing each character of string in
char 'd' one at a time
d = adi[c];
Calling function to check if char is vowel or not
flag = check_vowel(d);
if(flag ==1) // if the char is vowel
count++; // increment the count of the vowel
c++; // updating the string character to be checked
}while(d != '\0'); // terminating condition till it reaches the end of the string
return count;
int check_vowel(char ajj)
if(ajj >= 'A' && ajj <= 'Z') // if the char is uppercase
ajj = ajj+'a' - 'A'; // converting to lowercase using the ASCII values
// if the char is any of the vowel
if(ajj == 'a' || ajj == 'e' || ajj == 'i' || ajj == 'o' || ajj == 'u')
return 1; // making flag=1
return 0; // if not a vowel, flag remains 0
![C program ti Count number of vowels in given string]()