Ruby Classes
is a pure Object Oriented Programming Language. An object-oriented program consists of Classes
and Objects
. An object
is an entity that serves as a container for data and also controls access to the data.
A class
is like a blueprint that allows you to create objects and to create methods that relate to those objects. For example, you might use a Shape class to make different shapes like Rectangle, Square, Circle, and so on. An object
is an instance of a class
![Class Hierarchy in Ruby]()
Class Hierarchy
There are many classes in Ruby
. Not all the classes are included in this Hierarchy. Class Basic Object is the superclass of all the classes.
![Checking Super Class in Ruby]()
We have set the local variable val to be a string. When we check the class of val, by calling the .class method, it tells us that the class of val is String. Then, when we checked the superclass of String, by calling the .superclass method it tells us Object
, and so on.
The reason the last value is nil is because the class BasicObject has no superclass.
Defining Class in Ruby
A class in Ruby
starts with the keyword class
followed by the name of the class.
![Creating a class in Ruby]()
Creating Objects in Ruby
in ruby are created using the method new
. new
method belongs to the class Class.
obj1 =
This is the syntax for creating object. Here obj1 is the object name and Shape is the class name.
Another example of Class:
![Creating a objects in Ruby]()
In the above program we have created a class named Name.
The method initialize
is special type of method which is called by the new
method in the object creation. The initialize
method accepts three arguments which is stored in the instance variables @first, @middle and @last whereas the variables first, middle and last are local variables. The inspect
method gives the information about the class name and list of instance variables and their values.
This is the output of the program:
![Creating a class & objects in Ruby]()
Another example using to_s method:
to_s (to string) method allows us to display the state of the object. State refers to all the data that is being stored in the class objects.
![Creating a class & objects in Ruby]()
The output of the program is :
![Creating a class & objects in Ruby]()
When we change the last line of program to print obj1. Here we are literally printing the object, let’s see the output after this change :
![Creating a class & objects in Ruby]()
So, when the object is printed, the to_s method
is called automatically. This method can be used to debug or test the code by displaying the state of the object at any particular time.
Ruby: Accessing Class and Object Attributes
We can also write methods to allow us to examine a single field or attribute of an object.
![Accessing the attributes of a class]()
You have to define the method with the name of the attribute/field. Here we have created a method for the field first. The method is called using object name
The output of the program is :
![Accessing the attributes of a class]()
Likewise, we can examine each attribute of the object. We can do this in another simple way.
![Accessing the attributes of a class]()
The attributes can be examined by the following statement attr_Reader :first, :middle, :last. This method returns the values of the attributes of the object which is printed using print
The output of the program is:
![Accessing the attributes of a class]()
Making the attributes Writable
The attributes can be made writable / modified by the following statement:
attr_writer :first, :middle, :last
![Writing the attributes of a class]()
Here, we have modified the instance variables of the object obj1. The output of the program is :
![Writing the attributes of a class]()
Here, you can see that the first, middle and last values were modified and printed.