Scraping Product Names from ConsumerReports Website
NOTE: This tutorial is just for educational purpose and we request the reader to not use the code to carry out harm to the website in any form whatsoever.
In this tutorial we will learn how to actually scrape data off any website. The website from which we will get the data is ConsumerReports website. We will be requesting data from this URL and then collect the product names list from it.
Let the scraping begin...
## importing bs4, requests and fake_useragent modules
import bs4
import requests
from fake_useragent import UserAgent
## initializing the UserAgent object
user_agent = UserAgent()
url = ""
## getting the reponse from the page using get method of requests module
page = requests.get(url, headers={"user-agent":})
## storing the content of the page in a variable
html = page.content
By this step, we already have the complete source code for the webpage stored in our variable html
. Now let's create BeautifulSoup object. You can even try and run the prettify
## creating BeautifulSoup object
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
We have also created the BeautifulSoup object, now what? How do we know which tag to find and extract from the HTML code. Should we search HTML code for it? No way!
Remember in the first tutorial of this series when we introduced the term web scraping, we did share a technique with you, where we could use the Chrome browser's Developer tool to find the HTML code for any webpage element.(other browsers like Firefox etc too have there own developer tools which can also be used.)
Open the Developer Tools(in chrome browser) by pressing F12 key if you are using Windows and Option + Command + I if you are a Mac user.
Click on the top-left corner button:
![web scraping example]()
And then hover your mouse cursor on the Product list entries to find their HTML tags:
![web scraping example]()
As we can see, the anchor tags holding the URL to the product report page and the name of the product is enclosed within a div
tag with class
attribute value crux-body-copy. That is where we start from, we will fetch all the div
tags with class
attribute value equal to crux-body-copy:
## div tags with crux-body-copy class
div_class = "crux-body-copy"
## getting all the divs with class 'crux-body-copy'
div_tags = soup.find_all("div", class_="div_class")
## we will see all the div tags
## enclosing the anchor tags with the required info
for tag in div_tags:
<div class="crux-body-copy">
<a class="products-a-z__results__item" href="">
Air conditioners
As the complete output for the above code was too long, we have stored it in a file(download the file to see).
Now the next step is to extract the product name and the links to individual product webpage from the enclosing div
## extracting the names and links from the div tags
for tag in div_tags:
name = tag.a.text.strip()
link = tag.a['href']
print("{} ---- {}".format(name, link))
Air conditioners ----
Air Filters ----
Air Fryers ----
Air Mattresses ----
See, how simple it was. And with this we have successfully scraped data from a website.
Here is the complete code for your reference:
## importing bs4, requests and fake_useragent modules
import bs4
import requests
from fake_useragent import UserAgent
## initializing the UserAgent object
user_agent = UserAgent()
url = ""
## getting the reponse from the page using get method of requests module
page = requests.get(url, headers={"user-agent":})
## storing the content of the page in a variable
html = page.content
## creating BeautifulSoup object
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
## div tags with crux-body-copy class
div_class = "crux-body-copy"
## getting all the divs with class 'crux-body-copy'
div_tags = soup.find_all("div", class_="div_class")
## extracting the names and links from the div tags
for tag in div_tags:
name = tag.a.text.strip()
link = tag.a['href']
print("{} ---- {}".format(name, link))
Try to run this code in you machine and if you face any issue you can post your questions here: Studytonight Q & A Forum