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Your data frame probably filled with empty strings not **nan** values.
3 years ago
If you're installing a 3rd party lib that needs to be compiled before use, that could be a possible error. If you install Visual Studio, the development headers will also be installed, and should solve the issue.
3 years ago
I think if you put a counter in your events loop it will do what you want:
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == LEFT:
self.click_counter += 1***

No one is going to click faster that 60 times per second, so it should be pretty accurate.
3 years ago
My guess is that you don't have enough memory to read the entire file at once.
That fact that you can run for a long time, most likely is because the OS is probably trying to swap memory out to disk (paging on windows),
and can do this for quite a while until either the paging file gets full, or swap on Linux gets full.
3 years ago
Here is how I did it with Jenkins declarative.

The key here is to use **URLEncoder.encode**.
***pipeline {
environment {
// bitbucketcredentials is stored at Jenkins Credentials Stored
BITBUCKET_CREDENTIALS = credentials('bitbucketcredentials')

stages {
stage('packaging git push para branch beta') {
steps {
script {
env.encodedPass=URLEncoder.encode(BITBUCKET_CREDENTIALS_PSW, "UTF-8")
git push https://${BITBUCKET_CREDENTIALS_USR}:${encodedPass} branch***
3 years ago
The card is now useless, hope that you don't have any important data on it. I had the same happen to 3 different cards. I have tried everything I found out there, whether it works on Linux, Mac, or Windows, and nothing works.
3 years ago
You shoud give apache execute/read access. The way @user1063287 said is good but may have security issues, giving access to other. I think this way is better:

1) make apache owner of your site root:
***chown -R www-data:www-data ROOT_OF_SITE***
2) give it full access
***chmod -R 700 ROOT_OF_SITE***
3 years ago
One approach using **netcat**:
***while true; do nc -l -p 23 < /home/ajross/message.txt; done***

This will run an infinite loop, using **netcat** listen for incoming connections, and spit out the contents of **message.txt** to anyone connecting (test with **nc localhost 23**).
3 years ago
The best way to unban all IPs, is to set the bantime to 1 second, then all the IP will be freed right away.
***fail2ban-client set JailName bantime 1***

After that you can set the proper ban time back.

It's better to let fail2ban to do the unban for you. Don't manually edit iptables yourself.
3 years ago
If you don't mind using a terminal, then you can use the **pkill** command like this:
**pkill [process name]**, e.g. **pkill chrome**.
3 years ago
**$ ncal -bw**
**-b** Use oldstyle format for ncal output.
**-w** Print the number of the week below each week column.
3 years ago
excerpt of format
***From MAILER-DAEMON Fri Jul 8 12:08:34 2011
From: Author <>
To: Recipient <>
Subject: Sample message 1

This is the body.
>From (should be escaped).
There are 3 lines.

From MAILER-DAEMON Fri Jul 8 12:08:34 2011
From: Author <>
To: Recipient <>
Subject: Sample message 2

This is the second body.***
3 years ago