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How to pass username and password of a bitbucket repository to a shell script triggered via jenkins

I am trying to create a Jenkins job that will trigger a shell script via the option Send files or execute commands over SSH in Jenkins. The following is the main part of my shell script:
cd /vm/deployment
git clone" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
#updating the common property files
cd /vm/deployment/swcm-properties
git reset --hard HEAD
#git pull ${BRANCH}
git fetch && git checkout ${BRANCH}
git pull

My problem here is that the execution fails since I am unable to pass the password and username for the repository for the clone to work.
When I try to execute the following shell script, which is saved on the server, I get the following error:
git clone https://$uname:$

remote: Invalid username or password
fatal: Authentication failed for '

What is the best approach to pass the username and password and trigger a git clone from a Bitbucket repository using Jenkins.

1 Answer

Here is how I did it with Jenkins declarative.

The key here is to use URLEncoder.encode.
pipeline {
environment {
// bitbucketcredentials is stored at Jenkins Credentials Stored
BITBUCKET_CREDENTIALS = credentials('bitbucketcredentials')

stages {
stage('packaging git push para branch beta') {
steps {
script {
env.encodedPass=URLEncoder.encode(BITBUCKET_CREDENTIALS_PSW, "UTF-8")
git push https://${BITBUCKET_CREDENTIALS_USR}:${encodedPass} branch

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