Nmap Port Scanning script with input from Command Line
In this tutorial we will learn taking input from command line while running the script, rather than hardcoding the values in the script. we will look at two different ways to take input from command line:
- using argparse
- using optparse
Parsing arguments using argparse
#!usr/bin/evn python
#Integrating nmap
import nmap
import argparse
# defining nmap scan function with arguments
# tgtHost will hold the host value and tgtPort will hold the port value
def nmapScan(tgtHost, tgtPort):
nmscan = nmap.PortScanner()
nmscan.scan(tgtHost, tgtPort)
state = nmscan[tgt_host]['tcp'][int(tgtPort)]['state']
print " [*] " + tgtHost + " tcp/"+tgtPort + " "+state
def main():
# setup argument parsing
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Command line Argument passing example')
# reading and storing the value for host
parser.add_argument('--host', action = "store", dest = "host",
# reading and storing the value for port
parser.add_argument('--port', action = "store", dest = "port",
type = int, required = True)
given_args = parser.parse_args()
tgtHost = given_args.host
tgtPort = given_args.port
#check if host and port values are not null
if (tgtHost == None) | (tgtPort == None):
print parser.usage
print "Scanning: " + tgtHost + "-" + str(tgtPort)
# calling the nmapScan function with the provided values
nmapScan(tgtHost, str(tgtPort))
if __name__ == '__main__':
In the above script, nmapScan
is a simple method, which takes in two arguments, the host name/address and the port number which you want to scan.
In the main()
function, we are using the argparse
to parse the arguments provided while the script is run. The add_argument()
, parses the arguments and save their values.
while running this program, you can only specify one port at once like:
python scan_nmap.py --host= --port=21
[*] tcp/21 closed
So if you want to scan 10 ports for a particular host, you need to run the script 10 times. We don't want that! So, now we will see a different way to accomplish this. Here we will pass ports as a string separated by comma, like '21, 80, 23' (with quotes).
Parsing arguments using optparse
#!usr/bin/evn python
#Integrating nmap
import nmap
import optparse
# defining nmap scan function with arguments
# tgtHost will hold the host value and tgtPort will hold the port value
def nmapScan(tgtHost, tgtPort):
nmscan = nmap.PortScanner()
nmscan.scan(tgtHost, tgtPort)
state = nmscan[tgt_host]['tcp'][int(tgtPort)]['state']
print " [*] " + tgtHost + " tcp/"+tgtPort + " "+state
def main():
# printing Help to inform How to use this script
parser = optparse.OptionParser('Script Usage:'+'-H <target host> -p <target port>')
parser.add_option('-H', dest='tgt_Host', type='string',
help='specify target host')
parser.add_option('-p', dest='tgtPort', type='string',
help='specify target port[s] separated by comma')
(options,args) = parser.parse_args()
tgtHost = options.tgtHost
tgtPorts = str(options.tgtPort)
print tgtPorts
if (tgtHost == None) | (tgtPorts[0] == None):
print parser.usage
ports = tgtPorts.strip("'").split(',')
for tgtPort in ports:
print tgtHost+ " " +tgtPort
nmapScan(tgtHost, tgtPort)
if __name__ == '__main__':
You will see that optparse
and argparse
also differs in terms of the style of passing the argument while the script is run.
Other than that, we can use argparse
for taking the comma separated list of ports as an input and then running a for
loop to scan each port.
But our motive here was to provide you with two different ways, to do the same thing. As a result, now you know, how to use optparse
and argparse
. Using these, you can even write simple python scripts for various operations.
To run the above script:
python scanner.py -H -p '21,23,80'
[*] tcp/21 closed
[*] tcp/23 closed
[*] tcp/80 open
![Taking Input from Command Line for a python script using argparse and optparse]()