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How to place border inside of a div element using CSS?

The borders are generally added to outline the div element. In this tutorial, we will be learning to add a border inside a div element using CSS.

Using border-sizing property

The border-sizing property can be used to add the border inside a div element. Add border-sizing:border-box property to the div element.

For cross-browser, we can add -moz-box-sizing: box-border and -webkit-box-sizing:box-border. In addition to that set the width and height of the div element.

Example: Place border inside div using box-sizing

In this tutorial, we have added a border inside a div element.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
	div {
		box-sizing: border-box;
		-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
		-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
		width: 100px;
		height: 100px;
		border: 20px solid blue;
		background: red;
		margin: 10px;
    <h2> Border inside a div element</h2>
	<div>Some Div </div>	


Here is the output of the above program.

border inside div

Using outline property

This is another way to add borders. Use outline and outline-offset with negative values. It will add the border inside the div.

Example: Add border inside div using an outline property

In this program, we have added an outline:10px solid black along with outline-offset: -2px.


In this tutorial, we have learned to add a border inside a div using CSS properties. Though the border cannot be directly added inside div. So we have used box-sizing and outline property to do so.

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