Types of Inheritance in C++
In C++, we have 5 different types of Inheritance. Namely,
- Single Inheritance
- Multiple Inheritance
- Hierarchical Inheritance
- Multilevel Inheritance
- Hybrid Inheritance (also known as Virtual Inheritance)
Single Inheritance in C++
In this type of inheritance one derived class inherits from only one base class. It is the most simplest form of Inheritance.
![Single Inheritance in C++]()
Multiple Inheritance in C++
In this type of inheritance a single derived class may inherit from two or more than two base classes.
![Multiple Inheritance in C++]()
Hierarchical Inheritance in C++
In this type of inheritance, multiple derived classes inherits from a single base class.
![Hierarchical Inheritance in C++]()
Multilevel Inheritance in C++
In this type of inheritance the derived class inherits from a class, which in turn inherits from some other class. The Super class for one, is sub class for the other.
![Multilevel Inheritance in C++]()
Hybrid (Virtual) Inheritance in C++
Hybrid Inheritance is combination of Hierarchical and Mutilevel Inheritance.
![Hybrid Inheritance in C++]()