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DataTypes, String function, and Expression evaluation Test

This Test will cover DataTypes, String function, and Expression evaluation and some related simple question.
Q. Which of the following statements declare a variable that can contain a decimal number?
Q. The statement int num[2][3]={ {1,2}, {3,4}, {5, 6} }; ________ .
Q. The standard input stream, which refers to the keyboard, is called _______?
Q. Elements in an array are identified by a unique _______ .

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Q. The statement fwrite( (char*)&objl, sizeof(objl) ); ________ .
Q. The body of a C++ function is surrounded by _______ .
Q. Which of the following type casts will convert an Integer variable named 'amount' to a Double type?
Q. The loosest type of coupling is _______ ?
Q. Which of the following is a string literal constant?

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Q. Which of the following, if any, are valid names for variables?
Q. You have assigned the address of variable 'Value' to the pointer P, Which statement will display the value stored in 'Value'?
Q. The void specifier is used if a function does not have return type.
Q. You must specify void in parameters if a function does not have any arguments.
Q. Type specifier is optional when declaring a function.
Q. A pointer to a block of memory is effectively same as an array.

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