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C++ Programming MCQs Test 6

This Test will cover complete C++ with very important questions, starting off from basics to advanced level.
Q. Consider that the variable str is of type std:string. What is the correct way to get the C-style string from str?
Q. Which of the following cast operators can be used for converting a pointer of type void(*)() to void *?
Q. Which of the following is true when we apply &(addressof) operator to a reference variable?
Q. Which of the following Adaptor class is not a basic Sequential container?

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Q. What is the difference between Map and MultiMap associative containers?
Q. Which of the following member is not recommended in a header file?
Q. If the class name is X, what is the type of its this pointer(in a non static, non-const member function)?
Q. Which of the following is the most preferred way of throwing and handling exceptions?
Q. If class A is friend of class B and if class B is friend of class C, which of the following is true?

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Q. Which of the following STL containers store the elements internally using a Tree data structure?
Q. Which of the following STL sequential containers will you choose if there are lots of insertions and deletions(and only a few search operations)?
Q. Which of the following type of class allows only one object of it to be created?
Q. Why reference is not same as a pointer?
Q. How Late binding is implemented in C++?
Q. Which of the following cannot be used with the keyword virtual?

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