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Program to Swap Two Numbers using Temporary Variable in C++

Following is the program to swap two numbers with the help of a temporary variable.


int main()
	int a,b,x;

	cout<<"Enter a and b:\n";
	cout<<"Before swapping"<<endl<<"Value of a= "<<a<<endl<<"Value of b= "<<b<<endl;
		cout<<"After swapping"<<endl<<"Value of a= "<<a<<endl<<"Value of b= "<<b<<endl;
return 0;

Enter a and b: 23 33 Before swapping Value of a= 23 Value of b= 33 After swapping Value of a= 33 Value of b= 23

Program to Swap Two Numbers without using Temporary Variable

Following is the program to swap two numbers without the help of any temporary variable.


int main()
	int a,b;

	cout<<"Enter a and then b:\n";
	cout<<"\nBefore swapping\nValue of a= "<<a<<"\nValue of b= "<<b<<endl;
	cout<<"\nAfter swapping\nValue of a= "<<b<<"\nValue of b= "<<a<<endl;

return 0;

Enter a and then b: 23 33 Before swapping Value of a= 23 Value of b= 33 After swapping Value of a= 33 Value of b= 23