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Everything you need to know about htaccess file in Apache server

The Apache "htaccess" file is a powerful tool for controlling the behavior of a web server, and it is an essential component of many websites. With its complex syntax and versatile functionality, the htaccess file is an excellent example of the intricate workings of the web.

In this article, we will take a comprehensive look at the Apache htaccess file, what it is used for, and how it works. We will delve into the intricacies of its syntax and the commands that it uses to control the behavior of a web server.

Introduction to Apache htaccess File

The Apache htaccess file is a simple text file that is placed in a website's root directory. It is used to configure the behavior of the Apache web server that is serving the website. The file is named ".htaccess" (with a dot before the file name), which makes it a hidden file in Unix-based systems.

The htaccess file allows a website administrator to make changes to the server configuration without having to access the main server configuration files. This makes it a convenient way to modify the behavior of a website, without requiring a lot of technical expertise.

Commands in the htaccess file are executed in the order that they appear, and they can be used to perform a wide range of actions, including:

  1. Redirecting visitors to a different URL
  2. Specifying a custom error page for certain errors
  3. Controlling the cache behavior of a website
  4. Setting up password protection for parts of a website
  5. Modifying the way that files are served by the web server

Using the htaccess file can have a profound effect on the behavior of a website, and it is essential to be familiar with its syntax and commands before making any changes.

Syntax of the Apache htaccess File

The syntax of the Apache htaccess file is relatively straightforward, but it is important to understand the basic structure of the file to avoid making any mistakes.

Each command in the htaccess file is comprised of two parts: the directive and the argument. The directive is the command itself, such as "Redirect" and the argument is the value that the directive should be applied to.

The directive and argument are separated by a space, and each command must be on a separate line. For example, the following line of code would redirect visitors to the URL "":

Redirect 302

It is important to note that the htaccess file is case-sensitive, and each command must be typed in exactly the right way. Any mistakes in the syntax of the file can result in errors that prevent the website from functioning correctly.

Examples of htaccess Commands

Now that we have a basic understanding of the syntax of the htaccess file, let's take a look at some of the most common commands that are used.

Redirecting Visitors

One of the most common uses of the .htaccess file is to redirect visitors from one page to another. This is particularly useful if you've moved a page to a new URL and don't want to lose any visitors who have bookmarked the old page.

Redirection can be achieved through several different methods, such as 301 Redirects and 302 Redirects. The 301 Redirect is a permanent redirect and is recommended if you've moved a page permanently to a new URL. The 302 Redirect, on the other hand, is a temporary redirect and is recommended if you're redirecting visitors to a new page for a limited time only.

Here's an example of a 301 and 302 Redirect in the .htaccess file:

Redirect 301 /oldpage.html
Redirect 302 /oldpage.html

It's important to note that if you're redirecting visitors from an old URL to a new URL, you should always use a permanent redirect (301 Redirect) to ensure that search engines and visitors understand that the page has permanently moved to a new location.

Blocking IP Addresses

Another common use of the .htaccess file is to block certain IP addresses from accessing your website. This is particularly useful if you're experiencing a high volume of spam or malicious traffic from a particular IP address or range of IP addresses.

To block an IP address, simply add the following code to your .htaccess file:

Order Allow,Deny
Deny from
Allow from all

Replace "" with the IP address that you wish to block.

You can also block a range of IP addresses by specifying a range of numbers, like so:

Order Allow,Deny
Deny from
Allow from all

By specifying a range of IP addresses, you can block a large number of IP addresses with just a few lines of code.

Setting the Default Directory Page

The .htaccess file can also be used to set the default directory page for your website. For example, if you want the default page to be index.html, you can add the following code to your .htaccess file:

DirectoryIndex index.html

This will cause your website to automatically load the index.html file when someone visits your site without specifying a specific page.


The .htaccess file is a powerful and versatile tool that allows you to make changes to your website without having to access the server or make changes to the main server configuration. Whether you're redirecting visitors, blocking IP addresses, or setting the default directory page, the .htaccess file is a must-have tool for any website administrator.

About the author:
Pradeep has expertise in Linux, Go, Nginx, Apache, CyberSecurity, AppSec and various other technical areas. He has contributed to numerous publications and websites, providing his readers with insightful and informative content.