Python Online Practice Test - 2
This Test will cover complete Python with very important questions, starting off from basics to advanced level.
Q. Which one of these is used to comment statements in Python?
Q. How many standard data types does Python support?
Q. Which one of these is not a part of standard data types in Python?
Q. Reference to a number object can be deleted using which statement?
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Q. Python does not support which of these numerical types?
Q. Which operator is used to concatenate strings in Python?
Q. What is the difference between Lists and Arrays?
Q. Elements in Tuples are stored using __________?
Q. Dictionaries are enclosed by curly braces __________ and values can be assigned and accessed using square braces __________?
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Q. Python supports which types of operators?
Q. Which one of these is not an Arithmetic operator?
Q. Which one of these is not Comparison operator?
Q. Which one of these is not an Assignment operator?
Q. Which one among these are Membership operator?
Q. Which one among these are Identity operator?