Q. A developer was working on following code snippets:
for i in range(len(examplestr)):
print (examplestr)
examplestr = '1'
testlist = [True, 34, 23]
testlist.insert(2, 7)
print("Add is: ", sum(testlist))
Mark the correct print outputs.
Q. A lead was explaining,to his team,the concept of coroutines,in Python:
- Coroutines can be chained together,and, data can be sent through pipes, using the send() method.Thus they can be used to set pipes.
When a coroutine is not closed, it generates a GeneratorExit exception.
- If we try to send values, after a coroutine is closed,it throws a StopGeneration exception.
- A coroutine runs when it is called. It also runs in response to the next() method.
Mark the correct statement.
Q. A developer wrote the following code snippets,while trying list and dictionary comparisons:
my_tuple = (6, 2, 0, 0)
my_tuple1 = (5, 2, 3, 4)
print(my_tuple > my_tuple1)
d1 = {"john":430, "peter":55}
d2 = {"john":466, "peter":45}
print(d1 > d2)
Mark the correct answer.
Q. A lead was explaining to his team, the concept of Closure function.He stated the following:
- They help to reduce,the use of global variables.
- They help in data hiding, so they are used as callback functions.
- They do not allow,to invoke functions,outside their scope.
- They are efficient,when multiple functions,are needed in the code.
Choose the correct answer.
Q.In an exam the following statements were provided:
- Modifying a class or module,at run-time,dynamically,is called monkey-patching.
- The os.unlink command,can be used to delete a file in Python.
- The lambda form in Python,has many statements,as they make new function object.
- Generators are a way of implementing iterators.
Mark them as True or False.
Q. A developer was working on code of NamedTuple in a Python application. Consider his code below:
from collections import namedtuple
Cities=namedtuple('Cities','Delhi Mumbai Chennai')
Mark the correct statement.
Q. In an exam, developers were told to mark,the output of code snippets,provided below:
listone = [94,78,23,12,45]
import re
print(re.sub('re', '^^', 'REd reD Riding'))
Choose the correct answer-
Q. Developers were told to identify,some python modules,based on the following descriptions:
- Allows to create and manipulate C data types.
- Helps in extracting,formatting and printing of stack traces.
- Supports working with important iterables.
Mark the appropriate answer.
Q. Consider the following code snippets:
def testdict():
return strdict
def testlist():
list1="this is a list"
list2="yes a list"
return [list1,list2]
Mark the incorrect statement.
Q. In an exam, freshers were told to mark the statements as True or False:
- The CGI module is used for creating forms in Python.
- The enumerate() function in Python,gives,the index position and the corresponding value present in a sequence
- If string str="Country is", then the syntax print(str._len_()) is an optimal way of printing the length of the string.
- The type(xyz) where xyz=(1) gives the output as 'tuple'.
Mark the correct answer.