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All questions must be answered. Here are the Answers given by this user in the Forum.

GitKraken is the best GUI for linux on working with git. It free only for non-commercial use. No other GUI clients for linux match this as of writing this answer.

You should consider taking a look once.
3 years ago
**printf** will do this for you, from shell.
*** $ FOO=42.53e-12
$ BAR=$(printf "%.14f" $FOO)
$ echo $BAR

In ancient+arcane C-shell, this would be.
***$ set FOO=42.53e-12
$ set BAR=`printf "%.14f" $FOO`
$ echo $BAR
3 years ago
In my case, using ffmpeg directly did the trick and provided the best result:
***$ ffmpeg -f gif -i infile.gif outfile.mp4***
3 years ago
Change your config to match this:
***# /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf
3 years ago
The command syntax you're looking for perhaps is this. ssh -p XXX user@remotehostip You have to change option's order. Try it now, it works for me.
3 years ago
**zsh** stores its prompt setups and defintions in **/usr/share/zsh/functions/Prompts/**
So if you want to take a look what prompt clint does behind the curtains, first find the right file.
***$ ls /usr/share/zsh/functions/Prompts/*clint*

And open it in your favorite text editor.
3 years ago
Pulseaudio, or pure ALSA? Pulseaudio is easiest: Create a dummy sink
***pacmd load-module module-null-sink sink_name=tmpsink***

and let program 1 output to it. Program 2 reads from the tmpsink.monitor source. And so on. All this can be scripted. pacmd help shows more commands that may be useful, e.g. list-sink-inputs, list-source-outputs, or move-sink-input and move-sink-output if you can't specify sources and sinks for the programs on the commandline.
3 years ago
Newer versions have an easier command:
***convert -background transparent image.png -define icon:auto-resize=16,32,48,64,256 favicon.ico***

**-background transparent** is of course optional.
3 years ago
If you've booted using the UEFI firmware as opposed to using BIOS firmware then your system should make the EFI NVRAM variables available in:

When booting using a BIOS (or the BIOS emulation mode of UEFI firmware) then these variables aren't available.

In fact, as @Santropedro pointed out, the path
is missing when booting using a BIOS, which is easier to check.
3 years ago
To start your VNC viewer without opening the console at all, try [Alt]+[F2] from your desktop environment, which on most will present you with a dialog where you can type in your command to start the viewer without opening a console at all. If it's something you start often, consider setting up a desktop entry file and save it somewhere handy (like your desktop or application menu) with a name like **TightVNC.desktop, eg:**
***[Desktop Entry]
Exec=xtightvncviewer myhost
Name=TightVNC to myhost

Alternatively, if you're already at the console you could achieve this with a utility called "screen", which is kind of like a window manager for your console. Start screen with

**$ screen**

Create a new window with [CTRL]+[A], [c] and you'll find yourself back at your shell's prompt. Start your VNC viewer as normal at the prompt, then detach the screen from the current terminal with [CTRL]+[A], [d]. This will drop you back to your shell again, but this time if you leave that session, screen (along with your VNC viewer) will keep running.
3 years ago
Use the following command:
**TZ=GMT date**
The same format:

***TZ=GMT date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"
3 years ago
The entire format string is to be preceded by the **+:**
***$ date +"So this is week: %U"
So this is week: 19
$ date +"So this is week: %U of %Y"
So this is week: 19 of 2016***
3 years ago