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All questions must be answered. Here are the Answers given by this user in the Forum.

var 3nm = 'studytonight';
let _code = 'I love coding';
let var = 007;
let $123 = 100;
this is the original problem.

"For the first incorrect variable name, use the name *bestApp*, and for the second incorrect variable name, use the name num.

If you find one more incorrect variable name. then use the names *var1* for it.

Once you are done updating the variable names, use *console.log()* statements to log every variable separately in the console in the exact order in which they were created. So you will have o add 4 *console.log()* statements."

i get lost at the "exact order" instruction. I have tried a number of combinations to no avail. i appreciate any help!
3 years ago