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All questions must be answered. Here are the Answers given by this user in the Forum.

Looks like you're confusing Mb/s (megabit per second) with MB/s (megabyte per second).

1000 Mb/s becomes a theoretical 125 MB/s, and 120 MB/s looks like good performance (since you don't give more information, I take that it is a standard desktop PC with SATA hard disks).

Besides, I don't really think you can reach 1 GB/s (which would mean 8 Gb/s) without special equipment (10 Gb ethernet, a high-end NAS or a SAN etc...).
3 years ago
Use the command:

To know all your CPU Specs:
To get the specific frequency of your CPU use the command with a grep like so:
***lscpu | grep MHz***

It will give you output like:
***CPU MHz: 2723.789***
To see realtime CPU speeds fluctuation use :
***watch -n1 "lscpu | grep MHz | awk '{print $1}'";****
3 years ago
Malware has been known to work via wine... but from memory it has mostly been limited to what you mount in wine, and is not capable of working once wine is off. Whatever you do, do not mount **/** in wine. Anything you mount could get infected, so I recommended mounting as little as possible, lest your mp3's become viral.
3 years ago
I'm using noip but with the protocol noip, like it was inside of the --help flag, look at this help to get more information.
3 years ago
Snap has several "confinements". The most popular is called "strict", which severely limits what an app can access. The app has to explicitly ask for permission to access user files, network access or processes. These apps are sandboxed and are therefore safer.

However, some apps run in "classical" confinement, which allows access to all of these things, and are therefore far less safe.
3 years ago
The latency is an attribute of the sink.

You can change it through anything that uses the Pulseaudio libraries.

If you cannot use **pavucontrol**, you could use **pacmd** with **set-port-latency-offset**.

If you cannot use that, either, please edit the question and explain what you can and cannot use in your situation.
3 years ago
There are many solutions you can use the command
***tar -tvf filename.tar.gz***
You can also use vim
***vim filename.tar.gz***
3 years ago
It looks like **hid_multitouch** might be your driver.

Before blacklisting, try the following:

**modprobe -r hid_multitouch**

If this works then add it to the blacklist
3 years ago
***ps -eo pcpu,pid,user,args | sort -k1 -r -n | head -10***

Works for me, show the top 10 cpu using threads, sorted numerically
3 years ago
If you have systemd you could write a small Unit file, say
**/etc/systemd/system/unblockinternet.service** holding
Description=unblock internet 1 hour
ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/iptables ...
ExecStart=/usr/bin/sleep 3600
ExecStop=/usr/bin/iptables ...***

To start it enter **systemctl restart unblockinternet** and it will ask you to authenticate as root.
3 years ago
In general, the answer would be "no", commands in shell are the same in scripts, in syntax and semantics.

But there is a bunch of small nuances related to configuration of environment (what variables are used and to what they are set).

the interactive shell of choice for Linux is bash, but scripting often uses other interpreters (sh, which is a predecessor of bash, ksh, which is on par with bash), so you have to take into account what shell is used (the current shell s name is traditionally held in variable SHELL, try typing echo $SHELL).

there may be differences in configuration of the same interpreter for interactive session and for script execution.
3 years ago
Use this command: **certbot modifier --expand**, just like the following:
***sudo certbot-auto certonly --webroot -w /srv/www/htmlroot/ --expand -d -d -d***
3 years ago