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Why Should Learn Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) in 2022?

    Why Learn Data Structure

    In 2022, Data Structure and Algorithm will hold equal importance like it did in the last few years.

    There are real-life situations, this is age of data. If you want to be a good software developer, then you must very well aware of Data Structures and Algorithms. These are tools and techniques that help to sole and implement real-life problems. That's why companies ask these questions that are related to Data Structures and Algorithms for Software Developer related job profiles.

    Key Points

    • More sophisticated data structure, simpler the algorithm.
    • Simple algorthms are easy to develop
    • Less code to read and comprehend.
    • Logic is simpler and modifications are less errors.
    • Easier to repair defects, add enhancements, or make modifications.

    A few leaners avoid to study DSA, because they think that there is no use of it in real life. Let's try to understand use of DSA in real life situation.

    Real Life Example -

    If you want to search your name or roll number etc if PDF of more than 50,000 pages, if search attribute is in sorted order, then you can use two methods to search it.

    • In first method, you can search sequentially, and this method is known as Linear Search. This procedure is costly as we may need to scan all the 50,000 pages in serial in worst case, if the roll number of name is found in last page of this large document.
    • In second method, you can search in less time and you may need only log(50,000) = 16 pages in worst case. This method is known as Binary Search which halves this problems, in every unsuccessful search.

    There are more such examples, you can notice in our life which uses concept of Data Structures and Algorithms. We can implment these procedures in computer which will reduce human effort.

    Data Structures and Algorithms are related to Programming, algorithms are used to solve problem using data and Data Structures are used to store the data in strucured fassion. DSA (Data Structures and Algorithms) are used to solve standard problem in details and provide efficient solutions. It help you to reconize best choice of solutions that solve that problem in correct and effient way. It is science of evaluating the efficiency of an algorithm.

    Reasons to Learn/study Data Structures and Algorithms :

    These are reasons to learn data structures and algorithms:

    • To crack the interviews and get into the product based companies
    • To solve real-world complex problems
    • This is great skills to learn and a great addition to a programmer's portfolio.
    • It help to get good job
    • It build your life easier
    • It is very instresting to learn Data Structures and Algorithms
    • These are used in research
    • Data and Algorithms are comprised by Program.
    • This is skill for present and future
    • Companies are hiring data structures and algorithms experts
    • These are used in various fields
    • These are important in different areas of science
    • You can learn these skills at your own pace
    • There are various online free avaiable for learning these skills, so you can for free
    • If you want to learn a language then it can help you by practice DSA
    • Language does not matter for the DSA, you can use any computer langauge your own choice.

    You may heard interviews process of product-based companies for the software develpoement related profiles, most important part of their interviews are coding, technical rounds, problem solving. These are only depends on DSA and problem solving. It is highly demand skill for the software developers that help to be good Software Developer.

    Which Industries Use Data Structures and Algorithms ?

    Todays, there are various companies which hire people who have these skills. Experienced programmers get very good packages as they have good problem solving skills and they also implement the procedures efficiently. These are industry hires DSA experts :

    1. E-commercial industry
    2. Edu-tech
    3. Entertainment
    4. Software industry
    5. Service sector
    6. Government sector
    7. Manufacturing sector
    8. Retailers
    9. Education sector
    10. Life Sciences
    11. Financial Services, etc.

    Final Words

    A software developer always learn new technologies on a daily basis. Since they use most of technologies while using them in one of your projects so it help to learn them easily, but there is different case while learning algorithms. If you know welll know algorithms, then you can get help to solve more problems to solve then in efficient way. Optimize solution is imporant so you need to learn more and more algorithm to find efficient solution of the problem.

    To Learn DSA, you should know learn at least one programming language (which you can also learn them while practicing DSA, these are vive-versa). DSA is the core of root programming, knowing computer language is not enough, you have to learn choose best data structure and algorithm to solve a problem in efficient way. Therefore, you should learn more and more DSA which you can learn them by practicing.

    Pursuing M.Tech (AI) from Delhi Technological University (formally DCE), New Delhi