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DECEMBER 14, 2021

Top Microservices Interview Questions and Answers


    Since its introduction in 2011, microservices have been making big waves, particularly among enterprises creating forward-thinking apps. A poll by Nginx showed that 36 percent of organizations are presently utilizing Microservices, while another 26 percent is researching how to adopt it. Various factors would cause Microservices to be the correct domain, whether you are contemplating switching your technology or attempting to learn a new one.

    1) What are Microservices? / What do you understand about Microservices?

    Microservices are an architectural strategy or style that is used to construct applications. The microservice architecture allows a quick, frequent and dependable delivery of significant and complex applications. It is distributed and loosely connected, so it won't disrupt the whole program if you make changes in one team.

    Microservices are also known as the microservice architecture, a form of the service-oriented architecture (SOA) structural style and used to build an application as a collection of services that contain the following features:

    • Distributed and loosely connected
    • Highly maintainable and testable
    • Independently deployable
    • Organized around business capabilities
    • Owned by a small team

    2) What are the most significant advantages of adopting microservices?

    The most notable advantage of employing microservices is that it develops an application to aggregate tiny independent services designed for a business domain. So, if the company needs to alter continuously, the development teams may swiftly create new software components to fulfil the demand.

    Each microservice runs a distinct process and communicates over a well-defined, lightweight mechanism to fulfil a business purpose, such as a container. It also makes a company capable of upgrading its technological stack.

    3) What are the three types of used tools for Microservices?

    Following are the three generally used tools for Microservices:

    • Wiremock
    • Docker
    • Hysrix

    4) What are the significant components of Microservices?

    Following is the list of significant components of Microservices or Microservice architecture:

    • Containers, Clustering, and Orchestration
    • IaC (Infrastructure as Code Conception) (Infrastructure as Code Conception)
    • Cloud Infrastructure
    • API Gateway
    • Enterprise Service Bus
    • Service Delivery

    5) How does a Microservice architecture work?

    The Microservice architecture may be condensed into numerous modules that independently accomplish the single exact standalone operation. Let's examine how Microservice architecture works:

    1. An application is split into loosely connected diverse modules, each performing a unique purpose.
    2. It is dispersed among clouds and data centres.
    3. Each application module is an isolated service/process that may be changed, upgraded, or destroyed without disturbing the rest of the program.
    4. Under microservice design, an application may evolve along with its needs.

    6) What are the key benefits of adopting Microservices?

    Following is a summary of the essential benefits of adopting Microservices:

    • Microservices give considerable technical variety. You can blend it easily with various frameworks, libraries, and databases.
    • Microservices enable fault isolation since it aggregates tiny independent services or processes. Therefore a process failure should not bring the entire system down.
    • It gives reasonable assistance for the minor and parallel teams.
    • It cuts the deployment time significantly.
    • Independent deployment

    7) What do you understand by Monolithic Architecture?

    Monolithic architecture is like a vast container that includes all the software components of an application. These programs are grouped into a single package inside the application.

    8) What are the major hurdles in Microservice deployment?

    We may identify the major problems in Microservice deployment in two ways, i.e., technical and functional.

    The primary problems from the business point of view:

    • Microservices need significant investment.
    • It demands a large infrastructure setup as well.
    • We require extensive planning for controlling operational overhead.
    • It cost a lot in personnel selection and upkeep.

    The primary problems from a technological point of view:

    • The components of microservices constantly depend on each other hence;, it necessitates communication between them in the program.
    • There are also several problems with deployment.
    • Testing and Debugging are rigid.
    • It demands total component automation and application maintenance.
    • It gets significant operations above.
    • It takes trained people to support heterogeneously distributed microservices.

    9) What do you understand by Spring Cloud?

    Spring Cloud is an Integration program used to connect with other services. It provides a microservices architecture to develop apps that execute constrained quantities of data processing.

    10) In which circumstances microservice architecture is most suited?

    The microservice architecture is most suited for all tech devices such as desktop, online, mobile devices, Smart TVs, Wearable devices, etc.

    11) What are the most significant pros and cons of adopting Microservices?

    Following is the list of the most significant pros and downsides of adopting Microservices:

    Advantages of Microservices

    • Provide increased scalability
    • Increased Agility
    • Localized Complexity
    • Provide fault isolation
    • Debugging & Maintenance are straightforward and uncomplicated.
    • Communication between developers and business users is accessible and better.
    • Smaller development teams
    • You may update the technology.

    Disadvantages of Microservices

    • As a complete project, it isn't straightforward since it employs various components in the program.
    • It demands proper pre-planning before usage.
    • It employs modular dependencies that are hard to quantify.
    • The third-party programs are hard to regulate.
    • Modular interdependencies are tough to monitor.
    • More chances for hostile infiltration.
    • Complete end-to-end testing is complex.
    • Deployment Challenges.

    12) Which are some renowned organizations that are embracing Microservice architecture?

    Most large-scale software organizations and websites such as Twitter, Netflix, Amazon are embracing microservices architecture instead of monolithic design.

    13) What do you understand by RESTful?

    REST or RESTful stands for Representational State Transfer. A RESTful web service is an architectural approach that facilitates computer systems interacting over the internet. These web services make microservices simpler to comprehend and implement.

    14) What are the various strategies utilized in Microservices deployment?

    Following strategies are utilized in Microservices deployment:

    Numerous Service Instances per Host: It operates single or multiple service instances of the application on a single or multiple physical/virtual hosts.

    Service Instance per Host: It runs a service instance per host.

    Service Instance per Container: It executes each service instance in its corresponding container.

    Serverless Deployment: It packages the service as a ZIP file and uploads it to the Lambda function. The Lambda function is a stateless service that automatically starts enough micro-services to handle all requests.

    15) What are the three kinds of tests performed in Microservices?

    We may group the tests used in Microservice architecture into three primary categories:

    Bottom Level Test: The bottom-level tests execute generic tests such as performance and unit tests. These sorts of testing are automated.

    Middle-Level Tests: The middle-level tests are used to execute exploratory tests such as stress and usability tests.

    Top Level Tests: The top-level tests are used to perform acceptance tests, typically fewer in numbers. These sorts of testing help stakeholders know about various software functionalities.

    Adarsh Kumar Singh is a technology writer with a passion for coding and programming. With years of experience in the technical field, he has established a reputation as a knowledgeable and insightful writer on a range of technical topics.