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NOVEMBER 12, 2021

Top 10 Reasons To Learn Linux

    In the technology-driven era, that we are living in today where the new technology of today becomes obsolete tomorrow, matching up with the market competition, becomes very tough.

    In today's article, we will see the importance of Linux as one of the best platforms to shift or start your career. You will also find here, the reasons why Linux should be preferred in comparison to the other proprietary software, like Windows and Mac.

    The points mentioned here will be of help to understand the prime reasons or advantages of using this platform compared to other platforms.

    10 Reasons To Learn Linux

    1. High Security

    You can very easily install Linux on your PC and it will protect your system from harmful viruses and malware.

    "Security" could be seen as one of the main aspects of these types of platforms. When you compare it to the Windows platform, it is a lot more stable.

    High Security Linux

    But, there is a possibility of alteration if any third party programs have been installed in your device that can alter your system and change the configuration settings. Thus leading to unnecessary viruses and malware. So you need to be careful about that.

    Also, it is advisable to add ClamAV antivirus software to the Linux platform to tighten up the security layer that will be helpful to maintain high-security standards.

    2. High Stability

    Reasons to learn Linux

    One of the major pros of the Linux platform is the stability that it offers and the users don't have to experience frequent crashes. There is no deterioration in speed as time passes by. The processing speed at the time of installation and the speed after a few years of use will be exactly the same.

    The Windows platform on the other hand has a deteriorating processing speed. So after some time, you have to reinstall the OS and all the other software.

    Compared to the windows servers, the uptime for the Linux servers is very high. Linux servers do not have to reboot after every patch or update but Windows servers have to.

    3. Ease of Maintenance

    As it doesn't need a reboot so the Linux platform can be easily dealt with for every software update. Also, due to its central software repository that is capable of installing the software and keeping it safe, things are a lot smoother on Linux platforms.

    Thus, maintaining Linux software becomes more pocket friendly and hassle-free at the same time.

    It is thus very user-friendly for students and new learners who do not really need a hi-fi system to begin. To add to that, there are a lot of resources are available on this thus increasing the scope for learning.

    4. Runs on any Hardware

    Whenever a new Windows Operating System is released, the hardware becomes obsolete and the technical specifications that you get do not really match with the software updates. Thus, if you want to have the optimum use of the updates you have to have the latest hardware.

    But with the Linux platform, it is completely different, as here it is capable of utilizing its own resources in the best possible manner.

    Linux Runs on any hardware

    You get a very easy installation process and the different modules that Linux offers and goes with the installation process can be opted for by any type of user.

    You don't have to use the latest hardware configurations, even the old hardware configurations run smoothly on Linux. Again, making it more affordable for students and new enthusiasts.

    5. It is Free.

    The Linux operating system is completely free and the users do not have to pay anything for it. For an advanced user as well as a regular user all the software necessities are easily fulfilled. A lot of free education books are available for practical usage of the software.

    Businesses can benefit by using this software as they are completely free and thus can reduce their IT costs effectively.

    Also, it is best for the students, as has been mentioned before, to reduce their costs.

    6. Open Source

    reasons to learn Linux

    You get the Linux software under the Free and Open Source Software (FOSS category). As the code for Linux is available universally for all users, they can develop anything using the platform.

    There would have been no question of code availability if the software would have been proprietary. And the users would not have been able to get their hands on the code. Of Linux, many countries have made their own versions to support communication, defense, etc.

    Linux is considered to be the best platform for individuals who are looking for a career change or building a career in cyber security as building cybersecurity applications is very easy on this platform. India too has its version of Linux which is called BOSS (Bharat Operating System Solutions)

    7. Ease of Use and Flexibility

    Previously, when Linux had just entered the market, it had gained a reputation of being only for the geeks, but in the last few years, there has come a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) which has brought a lot of new users to the software.

    If you have been using Windows all this while and want to shift to Linux, don't worry, you can just install wine (i.e. Windows Emulator) and using this you can run all the applications on Linux without any issues.

    8. Customization

    One of the more known aspects of Linux software is customization. A wide range of options and a command-line interface is offered by the operating system and using this command-line interface you can execute a lot of powerful applications and a lot of the tasks can be automated.

    Customization Linux

    9. Education and Support

    For the students to learn and understand the basics of an operating system, Linux becomes the best option, and then they can build further solutions using the same platform by addressing local issues.

    There is a lot of material available online along with training videos where they can get their training for using the software, free of cost. There are support forums where all your questions can be answered as most of the users are active.

    10. Community support

    reasons to learn linux

    One of the most important features of the Linux community is the help that is available online and how most of the time they are ready to nurture young talent and provide any help that is necessary.

    You can avail of a premium support service from Redhat if you are using this at your organization.

    These are the main reasons why Linux has gained wide popularity in the market of late. As it is available freely for the individuals and the presence of a lot of online help has only helped the cause. Being part of the Linux community truly is the experience of gaining all the support and working freely on the software.

    Expert technical writer who simplifies complex technological concepts for lay audiences. Focused on providing insightful analysis and entertaining listicles on a wide variety of topics in the technology sector.