Telegram is a widely used instant messaging app that also facilitates file sharing, voice and video calls, and the sending of media and other documents. But there may come a time when you want to get rid of your Telegram account, whether it's for security or privacy reasons, or because you want to try something new in terms of a messaging service.
Whatever the case may be, you should be aware of the simple and secure procedures for deactivating your Telegram account. This article will explain how to delete your Telegram account and give you advice on how to save your messages and other data before you do so. Let's get down to business, shall we?
Exporting data before deleting a Telegram account is important because it allows you to save your important conversations, media files, and other data before it is lost permanently. Deleting a Telegram account is irreversible and all the data associated with it will be deleted. Exporting data beforehand ensures that you have a backup of your important information, which can be useful in case you need to access it later. Additionally, if you switch to a different messaging platform, you can use the exported data to import your conversations and other information to the new platform.
To export data from your Telegram account before deactivating it:
Open Telegram
Go to Settings
Tap on Privacy and Security
Scroll down to "Export Telegram Data"
Follow the on-screen instructions to export your data, including messages, media, and other information.
Before deleting your Telegram account permanently on Android, keep in mind the following:
Deleting your Telegram account is irreversible and all your data, including messages, media files, and other information, will be lost and cannot be recovered.
Deleting your Telegram account will also remove you from all Telegram groups that you are a part of.
If you have two-step verification enabled, make sure to disable it before deleting your account.
If you are using Telegram on multiple devices, make sure to delete the account on all devices.
It is important to keep these points in mind before proceeding with the permanent deletion of your Telegram account on Android.
Open Telegram app
Go to Settings
Tap on Privacy and Security
Scroll down to "Delete My Account"
Enter your phone number associated with your account and follow the steps.
Almost there's nothing different from deleting telegram from Android. Always take backup and save all the important data which was stored in the telegram.
The steps are the same as deleting account in Android. To delete your Telegram account permanently on IOS:
Open Telegram app
Go to Settings
Tap on Privacy and Security
Scroll down to "Delete My Account"
Enter the phone number associated with your account and follow the steps.
People may not want to wait many months for their Telegram account to be deleted. Telegram, therefore, provides a simple fix for them that works via any web browser. To immediately remove your Telegram account, follow these instructions.
Go to
Log in with your Telegram account information
Scroll down to "Delete Account"
Enter the phone number associated with your account and follow the steps.
You may quickly switch to a different messenger now that you are aware of how to export your data and terminate your account using the browser and the app. Nevertheless, keep in mind that once you delete the Telegram account, it cannot be recovered. So, give it some thought. Prior to cancelling your account, choose the messaging service you wish to switch to.
No, once you delete your Telegram account, it is irreversible and all your data, including messages, media files, and other information, will be lost and cannot be recovered.
Yes, you can delete your Telegram account from your phone by following the steps outlined in the answer to the previous question.
Deleting your Telegram account is not instant and can take up to 30 days for all data associated with your account to be permanently deleted.
No, deleting your Telegram account will also remove you from all Telegram groups that you are a part of.
Yes, you can export your data before deleting your Telegram account. Telegram provides the option to export your data, including chat history and media files.