When we start a Pod in Kubernetes to run any service/application inside a container, we can provide the resource limits and requests values. But what if someone forgets to add it or provide some unrealistic value which is too high for your cluster nodes. In that case, either the container(Pod) will take too much resources which can lead to other containers getting no resource to start or the container(Pod) may not even start if the value for resources is more than the total amount available in a single node.
Both ways the loss is of the Kubernetes cluster and the product running on it.
You must be thinking, but how can this happen? why would someone do so?
Well, when you have a team working on development of a product which is supposed to be deployed on a Kubernetes cluster, and has multiple small microservices running in separate containers inside Pods, then this can happen.
To avoid this, if you are a product owner, first of all you must as everyone to create their own namespace and do whatever they want within their namespaces. One this rule has been set, then you can use ResourceQuota and LimitRange to assign resource quotas on namespaces and set limits for containers(Pod) running inside any namespace.
The scope of ResourceQuota object is too vast, but in this tutorial, we will only see its use for memory and cpu resource management.
The resource quota is the total available resources for a particular namespace, while limit range is used to assign limits for containers(Pods) running inside the namespace.

Both these techniques are good way of managing Kubernetes cluster namespaces.
Namespace ResourceQuotas
After creating Namespaces, we can use the ResourceQuota object to limit down the total amount of resource used by the namespace. We can use ResourceQuota to set limits for different object types that can be created within a namespace along with setting quotas for resources like CPU and memory.
Resource Quota support is enabled by default for many Kubernetes distributions like Google Cloud, Amazon EKS, etc. It is enabled when the apiserver --enable-admission-plugins=
flag has ResourceQuota
as one of its arguments.
A ResourceQuota for setting quota on resources looks like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
name: quota
limits.cpu: "5"
limits.memory: 2Gi
requests.cpu: "3"
requests.memory: 1Gi
pods: "10"
Following are the resource quotas set:
limits.cpu is the maximum CPU cores limit for all the containers(Pods) in the Namespace, i.e. the entire namespace. (Learn about Kubernetes Requests and Limits)
limits.memory is the maximum Memory limit for all containers(Pods) in the Namespace, i.e. the entire namespace.
requests.cpu is the maximum CPU millicores allocated for all the containers(Pods) in the Namespace. As per the above YAML, we can have 5 containers with 600m requests, 10 containers with 300m requests, etc. The total requested CPU in the Namespace should be less than 3000m.
requests.memory is the maximum Memory allocated for all the containers(Pods) in the Namespace. As per the above YAML, we can have 5 containers with 200MiB requests, 10 containers with 100MiB CPU requests, or 1 container with a 1000MiB or 1Gi request.
pods is the maximum number of pods allowed in the namespace.
LimitRange for Containers(Pods)
We can also create a LimitRange object in our Namespace which can be used to set limits on resources on containers(Pods) running within the namespace. This is used to provide default limit values for Pods which do not specify this value themeselves to equally distribute resources within a namespace.
A LimitRange
provides constraints that can:
Apply minimum and maximum cpu resources usage limit per Pod or Container in a namespace.
Apply minimum and maximum memory request limit per PersistentVolumeClaim in a namespace.
Set a ratio between request and limit for a resource in a namespace.
Set default request/limit for resources within a namespace and then automatically set the limits to Containers at runtime
Here is a sample LimitRange YAML file:
apiVersion: v1
kind: LimitRange
name: sample
- max:
cpu: 1000m
memory: 1Gi
cpu: 10m
memory: 10Mi
cpu: 600m
memory: 100Mi
cpu: 100m
memory: 50Mi
type: Container
The above YAML file has 4 sections, max, min, default, and defaultRequest.
The default section will set up the default limits for a container in a pod. Any container with no limits defined will get these values assigned as default.
The defaultRequest section will set up the default requests for a container in a pod. Any container with no requests defined will get these values assigned as default.
The max section will set up the maximum limits that a container in a Pod can set. The value specified in the default section cannot be higher than this value. Also, limits set on a container cannot be higher than this value. One important point to note here is that if max value is set and the default section is not set, then any containers that don't explicitly set these values themselves will get the max values assigned to it as the limit.
The min section will set up the minimum Requests that a container in a Pod can set. The value specified in the defaultRequest section cannot be lower than this value. Similarly, requests set on a container cannot be lower than this value. One important point to note here is that if min value is set and the defaultRequest section is not set, then the min value becomes the defaultRequest value too.
So in this tutorial we understood, how we can use ResourceQuota to set CPU and memory requests and limits for an entire namespace in Kubernetes and then how we can use the LimitRange to assign default cpu and memory limits, requests and even maximum and minimum limits for cpu and memory which containers running inside pods within a given namespace can take.
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