Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor also available for Linux platforms. It includes many features which you indeed love to utilize. This guide will assist you in installing Sublime Text 3 and Sublime Text 2 on Ubuntu computers using apt-get and PPA.
Step 1 – Enable Sublime PPA
Use the sublime official Apt repository to install Sublime on Ubuntu computers. First of all, you need to import gpg key on your machine.
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
Add the Sublime Text apt PPA on your system using the following command.
echo "deb apt/stable/" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sublime-text.list
Step 2 – Install Sublime Text on Ubuntu
Sublime text PPA is now configured on your system. Let’s install sublime text newest version on your PC by executing the following instructions.
$sudo apt update
$sudo apt install sublime-text
All done. Sublime Text has been installed on your Ubuntu desktop machine. Let’s start utilizing it.
Step 3 – Launch Sublime Text Editor
Search for the Sublime application launcher beneath the apps. Then click on the launcher icon to start the sublime program.
You have successfully installed Sublime Text on the Ubuntu system. Next, you may personalize your editor with Sublime Text control packages.
Frequently Asked Questions
1: What is Sublime Text 3, and why should I install it on Ubuntu 18.04?
Sublime Text 3 is a popular text editor with powerful features that make coding easier. Installing it on Ubuntu 18.04 will provide you with a reliable and efficient platform to write code.
2: What are the system requirements for installing Sublime Text 3 on Ubuntu 18.04?
Sublime Text 3 can be installed on Ubuntu 18.04 with a minimum requirement of 1GB of RAM and 300MB of hard disk space.
3: What are the steps to install Sublime Text 3 on Ubuntu 18.04?
To install Sublime Text 3 on Ubuntu 18.04, you need to add the official Sublime Text repository, update the package list, and install Sublime Text 3 using the apt command.
4: How do I launch Sublime Text 3 on Ubuntu 18.04 after installing it?
To launch Sublime Text 3 on Ubuntu 18.04, you can search for it in the Activities menu or open it from the terminal by typing "subl" command.