In this article we will learn to integrate Google Admob Rewarded Ad in you android app. Before going to coding part we will first learn some basics and features of Rewarded Ads. You can also learn about adding Banner ads and Interstitial Ads in android app from our previous tutorial
Rewarded Ads:
Rewarded ads is a full screen video ad of 10 second to 60 second which cover the entire screen of the user ,it is used in many apps and games for different purposes such as
unlocking the level or new skin in the game
skipping the level of the game
get premium content for free in apps or games
getting some extra coins or lifes in games
Feature of Rewarded Ad
Support frequency cap means wecan decide how many ads are show to the user daily or hourly
User can interact with the ad as it also contains playable ads
The eCPM is hight as compare to Banner Ads and Interstitial Ads, so it leads to more revenue
support both Mobile phones and Tablets
fill rate is maximum
We can change the value of reward in the realtime using the google admob dashboard
If the user skiped the rewarded ad then also we will earn some revenue and if user watches the rewarded ad completely then the revenue earned is more than the skipped ad
Even work with low internet connection speed as the ads which are shown to the users will take less data
So let's implement a simple Admob Rewarded Ad in our android app.
Step 1: Create a new Project
Open Your Android Studio Click on "Start a new Android Studio project"(Learn how to setup Android Studio and create your first Android project)
Choose "Empty Activity" from the project template window and click Next
Enter the App Name,Package name, save location, language(Java/Kotlin ,we use Java for this tutorial ) and minimum SDK(we are using API 19: Android 4.4 (KitKat) )
Next click on Finish button after filling the above details
Now wait for the project to finish building.
Step 2: Adding the Mobile Ads SDK
To show the ads in our app we have to first implement the Admob sdk in our app, to do so.
Go to Gradle Scripts->build.gradle (Module: app) section and import below dependencies and click the "sync Now" show at the top:
dependencies {
// adding Admob SDK
implementation ''
Now our build.gradle file look like:
apply plugin: ''
android {
compileSdkVersion 29
buildToolsVersion "29.0.3"
defaultConfig {
applicationId "com.studytonight.project"
minSdkVersion 19
targetSdkVersion 29
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.jar"])
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.2.0'
implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.0.2'
testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.ext:junit:1.1.2'
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.3.0'
// adding Admob SDK
implementation ''
Step 3: Modify AndroidManifest.xml
Go to app->manifests->AndroidManifest.xml file and add the internet permission to the Android Manifest file
<uses-permission android:name= "android.permission.INTERNET"/>
Now we add add our AdMob AppId to your in the AndroidManifest
file by adding the <meta-data>
tag inside the <application>
android:name= ""
android:value= "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713"/>
To show video ads smoothly in the Rewarded ad views, hardware acceleration must be turned on. In Android the hardware acceleration is enabled by default, we can also enable and disable it for the entire or for each activity separately in our android manifest file as show below:
<!-- for the entire app -->
<!-- for the each activity -->
android:hardwareAccelerated="true"> </activity>
The complete code of AndroidManifest.xml file is shown below:
<?xml version= "1.0" encoding= "utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android= ""
package= "com.studytonight.project">
<!-- adding internet permission to show allow app to use internet to load and show ads -->
<uses-permission android:name= "android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<!-- hardware Acceleration is turned on for the entire app -->
android:hardwareAccelerated= "true"
android:allowBackup= "true"
android:icon= "@mipmap/ic_launcher"
android:label= "@string/app_name"
android:roundIcon= "@mipmap/ic_launcher_round"
android:supportsRtl= "true"
android:theme= "@style/AppTheme">
android:name= ".MainActivity">
<action android:name= "android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name= "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
<!-- Adding AdMob App Id -->
android:name= ""
android:value= "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713"/>
Step 4: Modify activity_main.xml
We will now create 2 Buttons to load and show Rewarded ad insde a vertical linearLayout:
<!-- vertical linear layout with 2 button -->
android:layout_centerInParent= "true"
android:layout_margin= "16dp"
android:orientation= "vertical"
android:layout_width= "match_parent"
android:layout_height= "wrap_content">
<!-- Simple Buttons to Load Rewarded Ad when clicked -->
android:textSize= "24dp"
android:layout_margin= "16dp"
android:id= "@+id/loadRewardedBtn"
android:text= "Load Rewarded Ad"
android:fontFamily= "serif"
android:textStyle= "bold"
android:textColor= "#ffffff"
android:background= "@color/colorPrimary"
android:layout_width= "match_parent"
android:layout_height= "60dp"/>
<!-- Simple Buttons to Show Rewarded Ad if is is loaded when clicked -->
android:textSize= "24dp"
android:layout_margin= "16dp"
android:id= "@+id/showRewardedBtn"
android:text= "Show Rewarded Ad"
android:fontFamily= "serif"
android:textStyle= "bold"
android:textColor= "#ffffff"
android:background= "@color/colorPrimary"
android:layout_width= "match_parent"
android:layout_height= "60dp"/>
The complete code of activity_main.xml is show below:
<?xml version= "1.0" encoding= "utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android= ""
xmlns:app= ""
xmlns:tools= ""
android:layout_width= "match_parent"
android:layout_height= "match_parent"
tools:context= ".MainActivity">
<!-- vertical linear layout with 2 button -->
android:layout_centerInParent= "true"
android:layout_margin= "16dp"
android:orientation= "vertical"
android:layout_width= "match_parent"
android:layout_height= "wrap_content">
<!-- Simple Buttons to Load Rewarded Ad when clicked -->
android:textSize= "24dp"
android:layout_margin= "16dp"
android:id= "@+id/loadRewardedBtn"
android:text= "Load Rewarded Ad"
android:fontFamily= "serif"
android:textStyle= "bold"
android:textColor= "#ffffff"
android:background= "@color/colorPrimary"
android:layout_width= "match_parent"
android:layout_height= "60dp"/>
<!-- Simple Buttons to Show Rewarded Ad if is is loaded when clicked -->
android:textSize= "24dp"
android:layout_margin= "16dp"
android:id= "@+id/showRewardedBtn"
android:text= "Show Rewarded Ad"
android:fontFamily= "serif"
android:textStyle= "bold"
android:textColor= "#ffffff"
android:background= "@color/colorPrimary"
android:layout_width= "match_parent"
android:layout_height= "60dp"/>
Step 5: file
First we have to import the library inside the,
//library for Button, View and Toast
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.Toast;
// important library for Google adMob
Now inside the MainActivity class we create object of RewardedAd
, Button
, showAdBtn
//creating Object of RewardedAd
private RewardedAd rewardedAd ;
//creating Object of Buttons
private Button loadAdBtn;
private Button showAdBtn;
Next, we will create Rewarded Ad callback object(RewardedAdLoadCallback
) to know whether or not the ad is loaded and other callback(RewardedAdCallback
) to know the status of Rewarded ad after it is loaded, the code is shown below:
//creating Object of Rewarded Ad Load Callback
RewardedAdLoadCallback rewardedAdLoadCallback;
//creating Object of Rewarded Ad Callback
RewardedAdCallback rewardedAdCallback;
Now inside the onCreate
we initialize the MobileAds and will show a simple toast message when initialization is completed using the below code:
//initializing the Google Admob SDK
MobileAds.initialize (this, new OnInitializationCompleteListener() {
public void onInitializationComplete( InitializationStatus initializationStatus ) {
//Showing a simple Toast Message to the user when The Google AdMob Sdk Initialization is Completed
Toast.makeText (MainActivity.this, "AdMob Sdk Initialize "+ initializationStatus.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Next, we will initilize the Button and RewardedAd inside the onCreate
method after initializing the SDK. RewardedAd constructor has 2 parameter:
//Initializing the RewardedAd objects
rewardedAd = new RewardedAd( this, "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5224354917" ) ;
// Initializing the Button objects to their respective views from activity_main.xml file
loadAdBtn = (Button) findViewById(;
showAdBtn = (Button) findViewById(;
Now we will create a simple method loadRewardedAd()
to load the Rewarded Ad inside MainActivity class as show below:
private void loadRewardedAd()
// Creating an Ad Request
AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().build();
// load Rewarded Ad with the Request
rewardedAd.loadAd(adRequest, rewardedAdLoadCallback);
// Showing a simple Toast message to user when Rewarded an ad is Loading
Toast.makeText (MainActivity.this, "Rewarded Ad is loading ", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Next, we create one more method showRewardedAd()
to show the Rewarded Ad to the user if it is loaded and if it is not loaded we will load the Rewarded ad using the above method loadRewardedAd()
and if the ad is loaded we initialize the RewardedAdCallback object and show the appropriate toast message to the user about the status of the rewarded video ad, as shown below:
private void showRewardedAd() {
if (rewardedAd.isLoaded()) {
//creating the Rewarded Ad Callback and showing the user appropriate message
rewardedAdCallback = new RewardedAdCallback() {@Override
public void onRewardedAdOpened() {
// Showing a simple Toast message to user when Rewarded Ad is opened
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Rewarded Ad is Opened", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
public void onRewardedAdClosed() {
// Showing a simple Toast message to user when Rewarded Ad is closed
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Rewarded Ad Closed", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
public void onUserEarnedReward(RewardItem reward) {
// Showing a simple Toast message to user when user earned the reward by completely watching the Rewarded Ad
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "You won the reward :" + reward.getAmount(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
public void onRewardedAdFailedToShow(AdError adError) {
// Showing a simple Toast message to user when Rewarded Ad Failed to Show
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Rewarded Ad failed to show due to error:" + adError.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
//showing the ad Rewarded Ad if it is loaded, rewardedAdCallback);
// Showing a simple Toast message to user when an Rewarded ad is shown to the user
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Rewarded Ad is loaded and Now showing ad ", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
else {
//Load the Rewarded ad if it is not loaded
// Showing a simple Toast message to user when Rewarded ad is not loaded
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Rewarded Ad is not Loaded ", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Now we will create a click listener inside the onCreate
method so that the above function are executed when the buttons are clicked, which we have created in our activity_main.xml file:
//OnClickListener listeners for loadAdBtn and showAdBtn buttons
loadAdBtn.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick( View view) {
//calling the loadRewardedAd method to load the Rewarded Ad
showAdBtn.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick( View view) {
//calling the showRewardedAd method to show the Rewarded Ad
To know the status of the Rewarded ad if it is loaded or not we intilaize the RewardedAdLoadCallback
object inside the onCreate()
method as shown below in the code:
// creating RewardedAdLoadCallback for Rewarded Ad with some 2 Override methods
rewardedAdLoadCallback =new RewardedAdLoadCallback(){
public void onRewardedAdLoaded() {
// Showing a simple Toast message to user when Rewarded Ad Failed to Load
Toast.makeText (MainActivity.this, "Rewarded Ad is Loaded", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() ;
public void onRewardedAdFailedToLoad( LoadAdError adError) {
// Showing a simple Toast message to user when Rewarded Ad Failed to Load
Toast.makeText (MainActivity.this, "Rewarded Ad is Loaded", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() ;
Overridable methods of RewardedAdLoadCallback
Here is a list of overridable methods of RewardedAdLoadCallback
public void onRewardedAdLoaded()
The onRewardedAdLoaded method is executed when an Rewarded ad is loaded. We can update the UI or do other stuff if the ad is loaded such as give user more lives or coins in case of game or providing premium content to user for watching the rewarded video ad. |
public void onRewardedAdFailedToLoad(LoadAdError adError)
The onRewardedAdFailedToLoad method is the only one which includes a parameter. The adError parameter is of type LoadAdError describes which type of error is occurred |
Overridable methods of RewardedAdCallback
Here is a list of overridable methods of RewardedAdCallback
public void onRewardedAdOpened()
The onRewardedAdOpened() method is executed when the ad is shown to the user and coverted the device full screen. |
public void onRewardedAdClosed()
The onRewardedAdClosed() method is executed when the user clicks close ad button or press the back button and closes the Rewarded ad |
public void onUserEarnedReward( RewardItem reward )
This method is executed after onRewardedAdOpened() , when a user had completed watching the full rewarded ad and it takes only one parameter RewardItem (we can get the value of reward by using reward.getAmount() and we can change the value of reward iteam from the admob dashboard in the real time)
public void onRewardedAdFailedToShow( AdError adError )
The onRewardedAdFailedToShow() method is executed when the Rewarded ad fails to show and it contains one parameter of type AdError which show the error. We can get the error code using adError.getCode() . |
The complete code of is shown below:
package com.studytonight.project;
import android.os.Bundle;
//library for Button, View and Toast
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.Toast;
// important library for Google adMob
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
//creating Object of RewardedAd
private RewardedAd rewardedAd;
//creating Object of Buttons
private Button loadAdBtn;
private Button showAdBtn;
//creating Object of RewardedAdLoadCallback
RewardedAdLoadCallback rewardedAdLoadCallback;
//creating Object of RewardedAdCallback
RewardedAdCallback rewardedAdCallback;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//initializing the Google Admob SDK
MobileAds.initialize(this, new OnInitializationCompleteListener() {@Override
public void onInitializationComplete(InitializationStatus initializationStatus) {
//Showing a simple Toast Message to the user when The Google AdMob Sdk Initialization is Completed
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "AdMob Sdk Initialize " + initializationStatus.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
//Initializing the RewardedAd objects
rewardedAd = new RewardedAd(this, "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5224354917");
// Initializing the Button objects to their respective views from activity_main.xml file
loadAdBtn = (Button) findViewById(;
showAdBtn = (Button) findViewById(;
//OnClickListener listeners for loadAdBtn and showAdBtn buttons
loadAdBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {@Override
public void onClick(View view) {
//calling the loadRewardedAd method to load the Rewarded Ad
showAdBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {@Override
public void onClick(View view) {
//calling the showRewardedAd method to show the Rewarded Ad
// creating RewardedAdLoadCallback for Rewarded Ad with some 2 Override methods
rewardedAdLoadCallback = new RewardedAdLoadCallback() {@Override
public void onRewardedAdLoaded() {
// Showing a simple Toast message to user when Rewarded Ad Failed to Load
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Rewarded Ad is Loaded", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
public void onRewardedAdFailedToLoad(LoadAdError adError) {
// Showing a simple Toast message to user when Rewarded Ad Failed to Load
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Rewarded Ad is Loaded", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
private void loadRewardedAd() {
// Creating an Ad Request
AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().build();
// load Rewarded Ad with the Request
rewardedAd.loadAd(adRequest, rewardedAdLoadCallback);
// Showing a simple Toast message to user when Rewarded an ad is Loading
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Rewarded Ad is loading ", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
private void showRewardedAd() {
if (rewardedAd.isLoaded()) {
//creating the Rewarded Ad Callback and showing the user appropriate message
rewardedAdCallback = new RewardedAdCallback() {@Override
public void onRewardedAdOpened() {
// Showing a simple Toast message to user when Rewarded Ad is opened
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Rewarded Ad is Opened", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
public void onRewardedAdClosed() {
// Showing a simple Toast message to user when Rewarded Ad is closed
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Rewarded Ad Closed", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
public void onUserEarnedReward(RewardItem reward) {
// Showing a simple Toast message to user when user earned the reward by completely watching the Rewarded Ad
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "You won the reward :" + reward.getAmount(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
public void onRewardedAdFailedToShow(AdError adError) {
// Showing a simple Toast message to user when Rewarded Ad Failed to Show
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Rewarded Ad failed to show due to error:" + adError.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
//showing the ad Rewarded Ad if it is loaded, rewardedAdCallback);
// Showing a simple Toast message to user when an Rewarded ad is shown to the user
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Rewarded Ad is loaded and Now showing ad ", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
else {
//Load the Rewarded ad if it is not loaded
// Showing a simple Toast message to user when Rewarded ad is not loaded
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Rewarded Ad is not Loaded ", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
In the below snapshots, you can see how the Rewarded Ad will look in the android application.
When Rewarded Ad is shown to the user:
In just 5 simple steps we have integrated and shown you the basic example for creating a Google Admob Rewarded Video Ad. If you face any issue while doing this, please share it in the comment section below and we will be happy to help.