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OCTOBER 30, 2023

How to access Redis Log Files?

    Redis cache is one of the most popular cache when it comes to websites and web applications. It is easy to install, manage, and work with. At Studytonight, we use Redis cache for caching a lot of data related to tutorials, articles, etc. in the Redis cache for faster delivery.

    While setting up the Redis server, and testing it, during the early stages of development and integration, you may frequently be debugging stuff to verify if everything is working fine or not, and to do so, log files play a crucial role.

    • You can log the data that you are storing in the Redis cache and see if everything is getting stored like you want or not.

    • In case there is some error, also you can easily check the log files.

    redis log file location

    But where will you find the log files for Redis? Do you know the location where log files are stored in Redis?

    Redis Log File Location

    If you have done the default installation of the Redis server, then the Log files for your Redis server should be located in the following location:


    In case you do not find the Redis server log file at the above location, then you should check for the Redis server configuration and find out the location of the log file. You should find the Redis configuration in the /etc/ folder,

    Location for Redis config file - /etc/redis/redis.conf

    You may require root rights to access this file. In the Redis config file search for property logfile, the value of the logfile property is the path where the Redis log file is stored. If you want, you can change the path, and then restart the Redis server to refresh the configuration changes.

    Another property available in the config file is loglevel, which is set to notice by default, if you want you can also change it.

    So that's how and where you can access the Redis log file. But wait! if your aim is to debug what is happening inside the Redis server, then there is a better option.

    Redis CLI Monitoring tool

    If you want to troubleshoot issues while working with Redis server, a better way would be to use the redis-cli monitoring tool. Using the monitoring tool you can see realtime access logs for the Redis server.

    Here's the command to run the monitoring tool,

    redis-cli monitor

    Running this command will run the access logs automatically on the terminal until and unless you hit Ctrl+C to stop the tool.

    redis cli monitor tool

    You can easily see which key is currently being GET from the Redis server and whether it exists or not in the Redis server.

    End Note

    I hope this article helps you find the Redis log files and it also updates you with a new monitoring tool that you must try.

    I like writing content about C/C++, DBMS, Java, Docker, general How-tos, Linux, PHP, Java, Go lang, Cloud, and Web development. I have 10 years of diverse experience in software development. Founder @ Studytonight