In one of the previous posts, we saw different ways of formatting data using the format()
method. If you haven't seen that post, it is strongly suggested to visit that page and understand the concepts in its entirety from the beginning. In this post, we will understand more about formatting strings where we will be using single formatter, multiple formatters, with keywords and positional arguments, conversion of integers to different types, formatting class objects and dictionary objects.
So hold your breath and be ready for a deep dive.
A single formatter replaces one position specified using curly braces {}
in a string with a given value.
The value argument passed to the format
method can be a string, integer, floating-point, character or a variable. This value is placed in the place of the placeholder ({}
) and concatenated with the remaining part of the string and returned as a result.
The first print
statement demonstrates replacing placeholder {} with a value. The second print
statement defines a string and then calls the format
function on the string by passing a string value to the format
method. The third print
statement formats a string to add a numeric value in it.
print ("{} is an author at Studytonight".format("Smriti"))
str = "{} is amazing"
print (str.format("Studytonight"))
print ("Studytonight has {} characters!".format(12))
Smriti is an author at Studytonight Studytonight is amazing Studytonight has 12 characters!
Instead of using one curly bracket placeholder {}, multiple placeholders can also be used to replace them with multiple values in a given string. The placeholders are replaced in the same order in which the values are specified i.e, the placeholders are replaced with values starting from index 0.
The only condition in multiple formatting is that the number of placeholders and the number of values specified should be equal.
my_string = "{} is a {} that offers awesome {}."
print (my_string.format("Studytonight", "website", "content"))
my_str = "{} has {} characters." # Formatter with multiple placeholder
print(my_str.format("Studytonight", 12))
Studytonight is a website that offers awesome content. Studytonight has 12 characters.
This raises an IndexError, since Python doesn't find a suitable index for a specific placeholder in the string.
my_string = "{} is a {} that offers awesome {} {}."
print (my_string.format("Studytonight", "website", "content"))
IndexError: tuple index out of range
This wouldn't make any difference since the placeholders are replaced by values beginning from index 0 and once all the placeholders are filled, Python doesn't look for replacing any more values if there are no more placeholders to replace.
my_string = "{} is a {} that offers awesome {}."
print (my_string.format("Studytonight", "website", "content", "Hello"))
Studytonight is a website that offers awesome content.
The values inside the format
method are tuples, which is why they can be accessed using an index. Since tuples are based on zero-index, the first element can be accessed using tuple_name[0]
, and so on. These indices can be passed as values for placeholders in the format method.
Note: If no value is provided for the placeholders {}, Python's format
method replaces the values passed to the format
method in the same order in which they were specified in the format method.
When we say, positional arguments, we mean that if I have to format a string and add 3 values in place of 3 placeholders, by default the placeholders are replaced in order, but by specifying positional arguments I can replace the placeholders with any value I want, all I have to do is mention the index value of the tuple in which the values are stored.
The first print
statement uses the indices of the tuple to assign values to the placeholders.
The second print
statement indicates that the indices can be mentioned in any order, and this corresponds to the order in which the values are assigned to placeholders inside the format
method. Basically, {1} maps to the second element of the tuple(index starting from 0) inside the format
method, i.e 'Everybody'. Similarly, 0 maps to the 0th index of the tuple, which holds element 'Studytonight'.
The third statement implies the same thing as that of the second statement but uses 4 positional arguments to make the point clear.
print("{0} love {1}!!".format("I", "Studytonight"))
print("{1} loves {0}!!".format("Studytonight", "Everybody"))
print("{2} is the most widely {3} after {1} {0}".format("language","programming", "Python", "sought"))
I love Studytonight!! Everybody loves Studytonight!! Python is the most widely sought after programming language.
The placeholder with the format
method can also have a key name inside the curly braces and this placeholder key is assigned with a value inside the format
print("{st}".format(st ="Studytonight"))
print("{st} has {number_of_char} characters in it.".format(st ="Studytonight", number_of_char = 12))
Studytonight Studytonight has 12 characters in it.
The formatters with positional arguments as well as formatters with keyword arguments can be combined and passed together when required. The below code demonstrates how the positional and keyword arguments can be passed to the format method.
Note: It is important to understand that the keyword argument has to be provided at the end, and all the positional arguments have to be provided prior to specifying the keyword argument, else you will get an error.
print("{st} is a great {1} for {0}".format("everyone", "portal", st ="Studytonight"))
print("{st} is a great {1} for {0} {2}".format("technology", "portal", "enthusiasts", st ="Studytonight"))
Studytonight is a great portal for everyone Studytonight is a great portal for technology enthusiasts
print("{st} is a great {1} for {0} {3}".format("technology", "portal", st ="Studytonight", "enthusiasts"))
SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument
Apart from specifying the index or variable name for the placeholder, i.e curly braces {}, index of argument and conversion code of the data type can be specified to the format
method, when you are dealing with numerical values.
Here, field_name refers to the index of the argument that is passed to the format
method and conversion refers to the conversion code of that data type.
Here are a few conversion codes for your reference:
c - character
b - binary
d - decimal integers (base-10)
f - floating-point display (default is 6)
F - Similar to f, but displays 'nan' as NAN, and 'inf' as INF
o - octal
x - hexadecimal with lowercase letters after 9
X - hexadecimal with uppercase letters after 9
s - strings
e - exponent notation
g - general format, which rounds numbers up to 6 significant digits (p) by fault (p is precision which can be changed)
- Multiplies the value by 100 and appends a '%' to the end.
Along with the positional argument (index), a conversion code (.1f
) has been sent to the format
method. This .1f indicates that the format
function must display the data with 1 digit after the decimal in floating point (f).
The second print
statement demonstrates that if d
(integer's) conversion code is passed and the placeholder value is a floating point number, a ValueError
is raised.
print("The temperature outside is {0:.1f} farenheit !".format(200.380))
print("The temperature outside is {0:d} farenheit !".format(200.380))
The temperature outside is 200.4 Fahrenheit! ValueError: Unknown format code 'd' for object of type 'float'
The conversion codes in the format
method can be used to convert from one type to another. Here is an example:
print("The {0} of 247 is {1:o}".format("octal", 247)) # Converting to octal
print ("I secured {0:f}% {1}!!". format(99, "percent"))
print ("My CGPA in this {0} was {1:.2f}%".format("subject", 89.457932)) # Limiting the precision of a decimal number
print ("My CGPA in this {0} was {1:.0f}%".format("class", 89.345675)) # Removing decimal places
print("The {0} conversion of 89 is {1:b}".format("binary", 100)) # Converting integer to binary
The octal of 247 is 367 I secured 99.000000% percent!! My CGPA in this subject was 89.46% My CGPA in this class was 89% The binary conversion of 89 is 1100100
While formatting strings, it is essential to remember that they are left-justified. But this can be easily changed by specifying alignment format specifier. Here is an example:
^ - align to the center
< - align to the left
> - align to the right
= - The sign (+ or -) is moved to the leftmost position
While formatting integers, it is essential to remember that they are right-justified. Here is an example demonstrating the before and after of formatting integers.
print(4, 3 ** 2, 2 ** 3, 1 ** 4)
print("{:5d} {:6d} {:5d} {:6d}".format(4, 3 ** 2, 2 ** 3, 1 ** 4))
print("{:6d}".format(1234)) # When number is longer than the padding formatter, it doesn't work
print("{:9.3f}".format(45.6789034)) # Formatting floats
print("{:06d}".format(98)) # Numbers with minimum width, placed with 0's
print("{:08.7f}".format(56.37603)) # Floating number format, placed with 0's
4 9 8 1 4 9 8 1 1234 45.679 000098 56.3760300
Below is another example showing how formatting can be done on signed values:
print("{:+f} {:+f}".format(34.12, -12.23))
print("{:-f} {:-f}".format(12.23, -12.23))
print("{: f} {: f}".format(12.23, -12.23)) # Blank space indicates + sign
+34.120000 -12.230000 12.230000 -12.230000 12.230000 -12.230000
The format
method can also be used to truncate string objects. Below is an example:
my_str = "StudyTonight"
print("{:10.5}".format(my_str)) # Truncating and padding
Study Study StudyTonig
To learn more about formatting numbers using format specifiers, we have a separate detailed post for it.
As mentioned earlier, the format method under the hood calls its __format__
with that specific argument. This means classes too can have their own custom formatting. This can be done to customize how the class attributes are displayed.
In case you wish to use the format
method as is, without customizing it, and an instance of the class is passed to the format
method, Python 2 would use __str__
or __repr__
return type to determine how to print the data. On the other hand, if Python 3 is used to pass an instance of the class to the format method, the __format__
must be defined specifically in that class.
object.__format__(self, format_specification)
It is called by the format
method which returns a formatted representation of the value passed. The format_spec is a parameter that specifies the type in which data needs to be formatted. This depends completely on the type which implements __format__
method. Most classes use one or other built-in data types.
The value returned is a string object.
In Python 3.4 version, the __format__
method was changed to raise a TypeError in case of passing a non-empty string.
In Python 3.7 version, the object.__format(x, '')
is equivalent to str(x)
instead of format(str(self), '')
. Below is the demonstration.
class Website:
name = "Studytonight"
characters = 12
print("{}'s number of characters is: {st.characters}".format(st=Website()))
Studytonight's number of characters is: 12
Dictionary members are looked up with the help of the __getitem__
method in the form of dictionary_name[index]. The dictionary can be passed as a parameter to the format
my_dict = {'Website': 'Studytonight', 'characters': 12}
print("{m_d[Website]}'s number of characters is: {m_d[characters]}".format(m_d=my_dict))
Studytonight's number of characters is: 12
In this post, we understood the various ways in which format
method can be used with classes, strings, integers, and dictionaries. Don't forget to experiment with the code on your IDE.