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What is Green Coffee?

    When people say, "Everything gets better with a cup of coffee", I never beg to differ. The magic potion to ease out your Monday morning blues or the perfect companion on a rainy evening, there is nothing better than a freshly brewed mug of coffee. Although experts say coffee is one of the best beverages you can drink, too much caffeine can have serious side effects. This is when healthier alternatives enter the picture, thus making Green coffee a new entrant into everyday lives.


    The life cycle of coffee bean is quite intriguing. They are nothing but seeds enclosed in a red berry. Thus are further extracted and roasted with contributes to its incredible taste and aroma. When left unroasted in their raw form, they lead to the production of green coffee. Instead of roasting the seeds they’re soaked and concentrated in an extract. Touted as a healthier alternative due to low caffeine content, it is often termed as coffee in its pure form.


    • Green Coffee beans became very popular in the year 2012 after they were featured on Dr. Oz show where the famous doctor recommended the use of these coffee beans for weight loss without having to do any Diet or Exercise.Later singer Katy Perry and actress Demi Moore said that they used green coffee bean extract for weight loss.
    • As the beans are unroasted, they are supposed to have a higher level of chlorogenic acid compared to regular roasted coffee beans. Chlorogenic acid on the other hand is proven to have various alternate health benefits for heart disease, diabetes, weight loss, and others.
    • When consumed before food, the chlorogenic acid reacts with the food and slows down the release of glucose which builds your metabolism that can lead to weight loss when coupled with a balanced diet and adequate physical activity.
    • Nutritionists admit that green coffee is trending due to two major reasons, first being a lighter form of coffee and second being that it doesn't undergo processing. It also has high level of antioxidants.


    • Since excess of everything is bad, it is recommend that maximum 3-4 cups a day are consumed as large intake will lead to dehydration due to the diuretic property of the beans.
    • It doesn't directly lead to weight loss. It shouldn't be considered as a short cut to lose those extra kilos but rather should be combined with a proper diet and exercise regime.
    • Supplements or green coffee extracts should be avoided. Everything is best when taken in its fresh and whole form as the synergy between various compounds present in the food makes it the most effective.
    • Even though it is considered as a healthier route, it still belongs to the coffee family and everybody knows the side effects of caffeine in coffee.
    • Excess caffeine increases our already rampant common ailments like anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome, glaucoma, high blood pressure to even thinning bones.