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5 Best and Most Useful Tools for Young Android Developers

Posted in Technology   LAST UPDATED: JANUARY 11, 2018

    The most important advice that any experienced developer would give to the novice developers out there is to practice a lot. It’s important to learn the theory, read articles and watch tutorials but without actually doing it with your own hands, you are never going to become a good developer.

    It happens a lot of times that a full-blown desktop or laptop is not within reach for your programming needs. Especially, when you are traveling somewhere and are on the go.

    Worry not, there are several apps and libraries out there that will rescue you from such situations by letting you be in the groove with your practice.

    Let’s have a look at five of the best applications or libraries for beginners.

    1. AndFTP - Android App

    FTP clients are required for uploading essential files and folders to the web hosting server and managing them as and when required. These files range from code files to multimedia content like pictures, videos, javascript and CSS files and more.

    Earlier it was an impossible task for webmasters to transfer files to the server if they were away from their system. But AndFTP makes it a piece of cake with its feature-rich application that supports almost all web protocols like FTP, SFTP, FTPS and SSH key support, all from your Android device.

    Setting up FTP servers is quite easy in this robust FTP client and so is uploading and managing files. Thanks to the intuitive and user-friendly FTP file browser which lets you browse files, rename and copy-paste files to your desktop FTP client.

    5 Best Tools for Young Android Developers - AndFTP

    2. LeakCanary - Library

    This open source Java library enables you to discover memory leaks within your debug builds via just a single line code. LeakCanary makes the tiresome activity of memory leak detection a child’s play by automating it and effectively reduces the OOM (out of memory) errors drastically in your application.

    5 Best Tools for Young Android Developers - LeakCanary

    3. jRebel for Android - Android Studio Plugin

    This is a must-have tool for increasing your productivity multi-folds with instant code updation and debugging. jRebel is equally necessary for advanced users as it is for beginners because of the amazing usefulness it provides for the development of Android applications.

    jRebel for Android makes the whole development as well as debugging process of Android applications approximately real-time so that you don’t have to fixate on your screens idiotically while killing time for Gradle builds to process completely.

    Besides, there is no requirement of configuring it as it plugs seamlessly into Android Studio. Moreover, since it works at a byte-code level, jRebel supports all JVM languages like Kotlin, Groovy, Java or Scala for writing your apps with Gradle integration.

    You can easily add the jRebel plugin to your Android studio, by going to Plugins, then Browser Repositories, and searching jRebel for Android.

    5 Best Tools for Young Android Developers - jRebel for Android

    4. Stetho - Debug Bridge

    Facebook has developed a spot-on tool that lets you identify problems in your code quick and fast so that they can be fixed easily. Stetho relieves you of the excruciating debugging sessions with Java debugger which even after an eternity of time spent on it may lead to a plethora of problems for Android developers.

    When you enable this open source library, you gain access to Chrome developer tools through chrome://inspect which you can use to interactively inspect and debug your application, just like web pages.

    Besides you can integrate it with JavaScript console, display view hierarchy, check SQLite database, validate HTTP requests, and even develop custom plug-ins through DumpApp which provides you with a higher integration than the developer tools.

    5 Best Tools for Young Android Developers - Stetho

    5. Android Asset Studio

    It is just a straight-forward and user-friendly compilation of tools that help you create a multitude of icons that are required when you develop your Android applications. You can simply create assets like notification icons, launcher icons, app shortcut icons etc for your app and save a lot of time and effort.

    5 Best Tools for Young Android Developers - Android Asset Studio


    If you are a young developer, start using these awesome tools(apps and libraries) to catapult your productivity to sky-high levels. Share some other apps that you might consider useful in the comments below!

    An active digital marketing strategist with a close eye on detail. Mostly interested in Automobile and Gadgets, over the time I have gained experience in putting my words in a range of niches.
    Best AppsBest ToolsTools for Android DevelopmentAndroid