JavaScript is a programming language that is used to make websites interactive and dynamic. Javascript can be used both in Frontend development and in Backend development.
JavaScript is popularly called JS (short for JavaScript).
In Frontend development, JavaScript works with HTML to make webpages dynamic, by getting data from APIs, managing user interaction like a mouse click, inputting data in a form, some button clicks, etc. events, and a lot more.
Whereas in Backend development, JavaScript behaves as a full-time programming language. All it needs is a NodeJS setup.
JavaScript is based on ECMAScript standards. It executes on the browser and therefore reduces the load on the server. JavaScript can also be used to create cross-platform applications or SaaS applications or to create a Back-end server-side application by using NodeJS.
The current version of the ECMAScript standard is ECMAScript 2023.
You can learn JavaScript interactively by solving coding exercises using our special JavaScript course - JavaScript Interactive Course