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Complete Collection Framework Test

This Test will cover the Complete Collections Framework including Collection classes and interface, Working with Map, Legacy Classes, Comparator, Iterator and ListIterator.
Q. Collection stores only ?
Q. Which type of exception is thrown if you try to add an element to an already full Collection ?

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Q. Which interface does NavigableSet implements ?
Q. What does get(int index) method define by List interface do ?
Q. Which of the following interface guarantees that no duplicates elements are stored and all elements are accessed in natural order ?
Q. Which of the following statement is not true about ArrayList class ?

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Q. Which of the following statement is true about TreeSet class ?
Q. Which class does java.util.Properties extends ?
Q. Which interface is used to traverse a list in both forward and backward direction ?
Q. Which interface provides the capability to store objects using a key-value pair ?
Q. Which of the following method is used to return a Set that contains the entries in a map ?
Q. Which of the following statement is not correct about HashMap class ?
Q. Which of the following class provide the facility to specify default value that is used when no value is associated with a certain key ?

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