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What's the best way to cancel event propagation between nested ng-click calls?

Here's an example. Let's say I want to have an image overlay like a lot of sites. So when you click a thumbnail, a black overlay appears over your whole window, and a larger version of the image is centered in it. Clicking the black overlay dismisses it; clicking the image will call a function that shows the next image.

<div ng-controller="OverlayCtrl" class="overlay" ng-click="hideOverlay()">
<img src="http://some_src"; ng-click="nextImage()"/>

The javascript:
function OverlayCtrl($scope) {
$scope.hideOverlay = function() {
// Some code to hdie the overlay
$scope.nextImage = function() {
// Some code to find and display the next image

I know you can capture and cancel the event in the nextImage() function like this:
if (window.event) {

...But I want to know if there's a better AngularJS way of doing it that won't require me to prefix all of the functions on elements inside the overlay with this snippet.

1 Answer

pass the $event object into ng-click callback and stop the propagation inside of it:
<div ng-controller="OverlayCtrl" class="overlay" ng-click="hideOverlay()">
<img src="http://some_src"; ng-click="nextImage($event)"/>

$scope.nextImage = function($event) {
// Some code to find and display the next image

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