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What is future of web development ?

web development for the next 5 years

2 Answers

AI is the future trend of web space development. It is justified as a lot of progress and advancements have been made in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

Leading corporate companies like Google and Microsoft have launched their AI technology for the public, you can build your custom websites with the power of AI.
Web Developer holds an important position in a company as he/she has to use a language from the client and convert it into a language that a computer understands i.e. HTML.

As you can imagine, web development requires a lot of effort and time along with an intricate understanding of how various components of web development work to stay ahead of your competitors.

At the same time, the mobile Internet has undergone many collateral changes, including responsive web design. Web developers did not pay much attention to responsivity until people shifted from PCs to smartphones. The value of responsivity increased exponentially when sites that were formerly viewed on desktops could now be accessed from compact gadgets.

Experts from Clever-Solution have analyzed the latest trends, distinguished the most viable ones, and estimated the projected time for their realization.

1. Artificial intelligence

The AI customizes the web design according to the user-based information & navigation. Along with this, Custom Web Design Company builds a robust AI-powered website that plays an extensive role and easy auto-generated websites.
AI are web designers’ next best friend, can give designers more such features as

1) AI performs the tedious task quickly and skips your website from scratch.

2) The technology analyses human behavior and then personalizes the content and design of the website to individual visitors.

3) AI helps the designer in making their work simpler and provides better designing tools & software.

4) Enable the functionality that can manage your own website without problems.

2. Internet of Things

The world's technology is revolving around IoT apps. IoT app development has already created a great impact on every sphere of our life. The technology is worldwide popular, accepted by people all over the globe, and achieved remarkable success in all major sectors like smart home systems, education, machinery, security, healthcare, and much more.

3. Virtual Reality

360 Degree video creation is one of the most sought-after skills that is currently cherished by major organizations across the world. The 360-degree videos are responsible for offering an interactive and enhanced UI design that further helps in the growth of a website by driving more engagement.

4. Voice Command

Voice command is another example of the AI and its implementations. A user can now use the voice commands to control and handle every prospect of his smartphone, TV screens, laptops, tablets or more. The technology has eventually enhanced as compared to the past years.

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