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SQL Inner-join with 3 tables?

I'm trying to join 3 tables in a view; here is the situation:

I have a table that contains information of students who are applying to live on this College Campus. I have another table that lists the Hall Preferences (3 of them) for each Student. But each of these preferences are merely an ID Number, and the ID Number has a corresponding Hall Name in a third table (did not design this database...).

Pretty much, I have INNER JOIN on the table with their preferences, and their information, the result is something like...
John Doe | 923423 | Incoming Student | 005

Where 005 would be the HallID. So Now I want to match that HallID to a third table, where this table contains a HallID and HallName.

So pretty much, I want my result to be like...
John Doe | 923423 | Incoming Student | Foley Hall <---(INSTEAD OF 005)

Here is what I currently have:
s.StudentID, s.FName,
s.LName, s.Gender, s.BirthDate, s.Email,
r.HallPref1, r.HallPref2, r.HallPref3
dbo.StudentSignUp AS s
INNER JOIN RoomSignUp.dbo.Incoming_Applications_Current AS r
ON s.StudentID = r.StudentID
INNER JOIN HallData.dbo.Halls AS h
ON r.HallPref1 = h.HallID

3 Answers

You can do the following (I guessed on table fields,etc)

SELECT s.studentname
, s.studentid
, s.studentdesc
, h.hallname
FROM students s
INNER JOIN hallprefs hp
on s.studentid = hp.studentid
INNER JOIN halls h
on hp.hallid = h.hallid

Based on your request for multiple halls you could do it this way. You just join on your Hall table multiple times for each room pref id:

SELECT s.StudentID
, s.FName
, s.LName
, s.Gender
, s.BirthDate
, s.Email
, r.HallPref1
, h1.hallName as Pref1HallName
, r.HallPref2
, h2.hallName as Pref2HallName
, r.HallPref3
, h3.hallName as Pref3HallName
FROM dbo.StudentSignUp AS s
INNER JOIN RoomSignUp.dbo.Incoming_Applications_Current AS r
ON s.StudentID = r.StudentID
INNER JOIN HallData.dbo.Halls AS h1
ON r.HallPref1 = h1.HallID
INNER JOIN HallData.dbo.Halls AS h2
ON r.HallPref2 = h2.HallID
INNER JOIN HallData.dbo.Halls AS h3
ON r.HallPref3 = h3.HallID
If you have 3 tables with the same ID to be joined, I think it would be like this:

SELECT  FROM table1 a
JOIN table2 b ON a.ID = b.ID
JOIN table3 c ON a.ID = c.ID

Just replace
with what you want to get from the tables.
SELECT column_Name1,column_name2,......
From tbl_name1,tbl_name2,tbl_name3
where tbl_name1.column_name = tbl_name2.column_name
and tbl_name2.column_name = tbl_name3.column_name

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