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[PyPa] Problems with Install PIP on Windows !

Hey Python Programmers...

I tryed install PIP on Windows 8 and 10, but i get problems with it.
I was frestrated when i are trying to install it in the command (prompt).

This is not the first case thad i try install pip. But if i try install
this, my command prompt said thad PIP is not recognized as an installation-
program. However, it will not activating with the command prompt.

Can anyone help me with this problem, or give tips ?. I don't find install
things for python easy. But i want to learn how i can install PIP, incl.
Modules for Python.

I want to learn use Python to write my own software. But the problem is to
install PIP and Modules. Now i can only train me in the standart module of
python. But i want to learn write my own software in python with PIP Modules
they must be download. Only PIP will not install in my command prompt. Even
i get download the script and use PIP 3.

Python Version: 3.6.2
Windows Version Computer: 10
Windows Version Laptop: 8

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