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Level 6 > Lesson 6

line no. 8 .

4 Answers

Can you explain more. What is on line number 8? What error you ar facing?
ho gya resolve sir thnx
Output is as expected but unable to move to next lesson

package main
import "fmt"

func division(x int, y int) {
var result float64
if y!=0 {
result = float64(x/y)
fmt.Printf("The result for the division of %d by %d is %0.2f",x,y,result)
} else {
fmt.Printf("You cannot divide a number by 0")

func main() {

The result for the division of 12 by 4 is 3.00

error pop up:
Your code's output does not match the expected outcome for this exercise.
same is happening with we as with sriniwas Your code's output does not match the expected outcome for this exercise.

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