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Level 11 lesson 8

<!doctype html>
<title>Using External JS Library</title>
<div id="myDiv">Hello Studytonight!</div>

<script src="https:/">
// change text of div
let div = $("#myDiv").text("Welcome to Studytonight!");

what is the error?

1 Answer

Try this one: tab one

<!doctype html>
<title>Using External JS Library</title>
<div id="myDiv">Hello Studytonight!</div>
<script src="USE jquery cdn"></script>
<script >
// change text of div
$("#myDiv").text("Welcome to Studytonight!");


tab two:

let mobiles = ["Apple", "Samsung", "One Plus", "Moto", "Huwaei"];

// using forEach function

// define the callback function
function printMobs(item,index) {
console.log(`Rank ${index}: ${item} Mobiles`);

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