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Javascript Level - 4 -> Lesson - 8

Ternary operator answer please?

6 Answers

kindly post your code here to see what is wrong in your code
let x = 10;
let y = 1;
let z;
//your code here
(x > y)? z=x : z=y;
console.log("the value of z: " +z);

I'm confusing what to do, please explain the correct answer. Thank You!
please help me I'm stuck in the lesson.
Hii afrideen!
please run your code again. We have resolved this issue

Thank you! Happy learning
Thank you so much
Hi even am also facing the problem in same place,
let x = 10;
let y = 1;
let z;
// your code comes here
(x > y)? z=x : z=y;
console.log("result is "+ z);

please kindly help me

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