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Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in PHP Language ?

$values = get_values();

foreach ($values as $value){

When you feed a foreach with data that are not an array, you get a warning:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [...]

it's not possible to refactor the get_values() function to always return an array (backward compatibility, not available source code, whatever other reason), I'm wondering which is the cleanest and most efficient way to avoid these warnings:

1. Casting $values to array
2. Initializing $values to array
3. Wrapping the foreach with an if
4. Other (please suggest)

3 Answers

How about this one? lot cleaner and all in single line.

foreach ((array) $items as $item) {
// ...
I usually use a construct similar to this:

Determine if a variable is iterable. i.e. can be used to loop over.
* @return bool
function is_iterable($var)
return $var !== null
&& (is_array($var)
|| $var instanceof Traversable
|| $var instanceof Iterator
|| $var instanceof IteratorAggregate

$values = get_values();

if (is_iterable($values))
foreach ($values as $value)
// do stuff...

Note that this particular version is not tested, it's typed directly into SO from memory.
Personally I find this to be the most clean - not sure if it's the most efficient, mind!
if (is_array($values) || is_object($values))
foreach ($values as $value)

The reason for my preference is it doesn't allocate an empty array when you've got nothing to begin with anyway.

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