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How to rsync files between two remotes?

I would like to transfer files between two remote hosts using on local shell, but it seems rsync doesn't support synchronisation if two remotes are specified as follow:
$ rsync -vuar host1:/var/www host2:/var/www
The source and destination cannot both be remote.

What other workarounds/commands I could use to achieve similar results?

1 Answer

As you have discovered you cannot use rsync with a remote source and a remote destination. Assuming the two servers can't talk directly to each other, it is possible to use ssh to tunnel via your local machine.

Instead of
rsync -vuar host1:/var/www host2:/var/www

you can use this
ssh -R localhost:50000:host2:22 host1 'rsync -e "ssh -p 50000" -vuar /var/www localhost:/var/www'

In case you're wondering, the -R option sets up a reverse channel from port 50000 on host1 that maps (via your local machine) to port 22 on host2. There is no direct connection from host1 to host2.

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