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How to fix this very helphful code

I found this very helphful article:
How i can add symbols with numbers
For example i need : 800+ 99% 7+

3 Answers

Hi, I’m glad you found the article helpful. To add symbols with numbers in JavaScript, you can use the string concatenation operator (+) to join the numbers and symbols as strings. For example, to get 800+, you can write:

let result = 800 + '+';

Similarly, to get 99%, you can write:

let result = 99 + '%';

And to get 7+, you can write:

let result = 7 + '+';

You can also use template literals to create strings with symbols and numbers. For example, to get 800+, you can write:

let result = ${800}+;

I hope this helps you.
Thank you sam5epi0l, working good
One more question: Is it possible to do that counting numbers will be running behind numbers
Thank you for your help

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